
New Member
So, I am doing my 2x weekly cowash and somethin is really wrong with my hair.

I had it in bantu knots since tuesday. Wednesday they were fine they felt good. Today they felt a little dry so I put my hat over it to help shield it from the cold.

Now I am rinsing and detangling my hair and its matting together in big hard clumps even under the water, it feels like it has a million years worth of build up on it and its really hard and straight and hard to even finger detangle(even my roots).

Not sure how to take this problem head on...
Should I just cowash as normal?
Should I pre-poo and shampoo with the moisturizing shampoo and do a dc after?

I am worried and confused and I dont want to make the problem worse.

My spritz includes (tea tree oil, argan oil, rosewater and glycerin, conditioner and water)...I have never had this problem using the spritz before...and the only other thing I did different was clarify my hair on sunday.
finger detangle from the roots first, then the comb. Use a prepoo or anything you have thats extremely detangling and softening to try and loosen up the clumps.
Ah nothing is working :(. It felt ok after the oil rinse and detangled easier but soon as the oil was out and i shampood briefly it went back to getting matted, especially the top layers of my hair. So i put in moisturizing conditioner to soften it and it didnt help it felt like a cactus sucked all the moisture out of my hair. Now i have a dc on it and because its so late, may overnight DC rinse it in the morning and put a hat over it. I am nervous, a lot more hair came out via shower than normal so I am scared i have a bad protein overload. i did a protein pre poo o n sunday which sat on my head for 2 hours before dcing for 3 hours. and it was fine up until today. Not sure whats going on but this setback is scaring me :(
wash your hair to clarify any buildup and do moisture with every step pre-poo, dc, moisturizing & sealing. you sound like you may have a overload from the protein pre-poo you did. keep up the moisture!
Yeah I did a moisture pre poo, i rinsed with a moisture conditioner twice and I have a moisture DC on my hair. Have never had a protein overload this bad so I am really scared. Hopefully this DC will help :S, if not I may be daily cowashing and moisture sealing until sunday. thanks so much guys
what protein did you use. it maybe protein and if you used a heavy one and you left it on there too long. just get u a very good moisturing conditioner. and just keep doing it until your hair is back to normal. or it could have been the shampoo stop using all shampoo right now until you get your hair back together.
You are drying your hair out. We mentioned this in another thread. You need to step away from the shampoo for at least a week. Just cowash, DC and moisturize and seal.
I used healthysexyhair soy milk conditioner in a mixture of argan oil tea tree oil and coconut oil which sat on my hair for apron 2 hours. Then I did a moisture DC for 3 1/2 hours....after that my hair felt great, soft manageable fabulous....and i bantu knotted it up.

My hair felt great wednesday, and that night when I wrapped it up I spritzed some argan, tea tree, coconut, moisture leave in and rose water/glycerin on my hair. It was a little hard when I took it down this morning but I chalked it up to it always feeling that way after day two since I am still tryin to figure out my curly hair routine. So i threw a hat on and it was decent...

Wet hair tonight and it felt like gorilla glue got poured in it. It doesnt feel as bad now, the matting clumps are smaller but :O. I am scared. A lot more shedding and breakage notice able and my shower mat is soaked from running in and out of the shower/I am not shampoo'ing or putting any protein near my hair for awhile. I think I am even going to switch to EVOO for sealing until i figure this out.

So now I have Africa's Best Organic Olive Oil Deep conditioner on it (it was suggested to me by the beauty supply people as a moisturizing DC) and will be DCing over night...or however late I can go without waking up itching like crazy.

Possibly.... Baggying whole head (or at least the really bad parts) and throwing a hat on tomorrow for a majority of the day.

eta: so I DID shampoo tonight to get the blah off my hair and it feels a little better. Not shampoo'ing for a few months and I piled on moisture so ....going to daily cowash and dc until I get this under wraps.
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you will have to put the coconut oil a side until this is over because the coconut oil acts like protein and allows the protein to bind to your hair. with that and the soy milk you did yourself in I think because you keep using the coconut oil.