hairlove is going to see a trichologist :(


New Member
Last year after the bad relaxer incident, I realized that my worst nightmare had come true. With my long hair, I always had dreams of someone cutting it on purpose or accidentally. Either way, it was a bad dream. I transitioned. A few months into my official transition, I noticed this area at the crown of my head that just seemed "different" than the rest of my hair. I worried about it constantly and then thought that section was thinning. I'd inspect it constantly and took pictures. People guessed maybe my hair was fine or a different texture in that area.

Here's today...

I've still been worrying about this area. It hasn't gotten better since last year. I feel like I am developing a bald spot.

I am so sad about this. After getting through one hair hurdle, here comes another. I'm still very young and now I have to deal with this.

Any advice or suggestions on finding a good trichologist would be appreciated. I would take pictures and post them but it's too depressing. You can probably tell if you just look at my pictures. There's always scalp showing near my crown area.
I know it's easier said then done, but please don't worry about it too much (because that may make it worse).

I remember several years ago, I was going through my hair (probably 'greasing' it - which I haven't done in a few years) and I saw a bald spot on my scalp (the size of a nickel). I worried constantly about it. When I would get home from work, I would look at it constantly. I didn't even go to any kind of doctor about it or anything. The good part was, there was a small amount (and I do mean small amount) of fuzz on that spot (just barley saw my hair color there). So, I hoped it would at least grow back, and it did (thank goodness). I remember calling my Mom and asking her a million times about it.
I mean, it seemed as though it came out of the blue. Since then, I make it a point to go through my hair (all of this thick mess) on a regular basis (which is pretty much the only way I can tell what's going on with my scalp). Girl, I must have put oil on it two or three times a day back then (hoping for the best). Well, needless to say, that bald spot filled in and went back to normal. Hopefully, the trichologist will be able to help you out. BTW, I didn't know anything about a trichologist back then.

Sorry to hear about your ordeal. I hope that you recover very soon. I agree with Allandra that you need not worry about the spot constantly. It may make matters worse.

My only suggestion is to constantly moisturize your hair and treat it like the treasure that it is. I have faith that you will be relieved of your condition very soon.
I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this. I don't have any advice to offer but I do hope that things go well with your finding a good trichologist. Hopefully the cause is something minor that can easily be remedied. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about this hairlove. I agree with the other ladies.

In terms of a trichologist I would recommend you ask your primary care physician for a recommendation or if you go to a dermatologist ask the dermatologist. I think a lot of trichologists and dermatologists work hand in hand.

I hope this is just a temporary situation for you. You have very beautiful hair.
Please dont feel sad
I get this way about my temple area that is finally filling back in as well as my crown. My problem is that i'm a hair tugger so over time i notice certain areas are looking a little bare then fill in again. Could this be the issue with your own hair? Do you tug your hair? i got myself to stop but it takes alot of self control since i tug at my hair to relieve stress. I know it's wierd. The important thing is to keep your appointment and get reassured, because it may not be what you think it is at all. (((Hugs))) -- jainygirl
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement.

Allandra - I am going to try very hard not to worry about it and not look at it constantly b/c that certainly doesn't help. I had just hoped that within the year, it would look better. ETA - I am so glad your spot grew back in! I am sure that was not a fun experience for you.

NGC - I will have to see a dermatologist first b/c I can't seem to find an actual tricholigist within my insurance plan. Do you think I need one who specializes in ethnic skin/hair?

Jainygirl - Thanks.
I am sure that my constant ponytaisl have not helped matters any. But I noticed the thinness before that began. I am going to pay more attention and do more updos than ponytails.
I don't have any advice but I do know what you are going through. Now I'm almost brastrap and a couple of months ago out of nowhere I noticed a spot in the middle of my head where my hair had fell out to about an inch. I felt like starting over. I worried about it so much and one day I decided that I was just stressing myself out so I vowed not to look at it. Now its still way shorter than the rest of my hair but it's about 2.5 inches now.

The point of my story I guess is that taking pics of it and looking at it is just going to stress you. My baldspot is still years from catching up with the rest of my hair but now that I don't look at it a lot I don't feel as stressed about it anymore.

Also good news is if you are planning on primarily wearing your hair curly it won't be noticeable. I have scalp showing spots on the sides of my head (my hair is just really fine) and that 2 inch spot and you can't see it at all unless my hair is in a slicked ponytail.
I would definitely recommend you see a person who specializes in darker skinned people. I have heard that it makes a difference in dermatologists.
Hairlove, I’m so sorry for you. My mother’s hair fell out after someone applied a relaxer that was too harsh for her hair. I recommended that she go to a trichologist, but her doctor sent her to a dermatologist first. She went to a dermatologist in the Bronx, who a colleague of hers thought highly of. I cannot recall his name, but if you are interested PM me.
I hate that you are going thru this, but with time and TLC it can get better. It took 2 yrs before my crown area started closing. I've moved toward mostly sulfate-free shampoos and I stopped any hair style that placed tension in that area. Also I got rid of my work related stress. My crown started growing but slow then I went to a Dermatologist that wrote for a topical steriod which has helped also. Believe me, I know how you are feeling. I have cried like a baby many, many nites, but it can get better.
Hi hairlove,

NGC - I will have to see a dermatologist first b/c I can't seem to find an actual trichologist within my insurance plan. Do you think I need one who specializes in ethnic skin/hair?

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I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a trichologist that specializes in ethic skin/hair.

If you plan on visiting a dermatologist first, yes I would recommend finding one that does specialize in ethnic skin.

In high school I went to one that specialized in ethnic skin and he was really good. He even developed his own skin cream, etc.

As an adult I went to one that did not specialize in ethnic skin and although she was/is good, she was very conservative in terms of addressing pigmentation issues and adult acne on me.
I'm sorry, hairlove...I'll be keeping my fingers crossed but I am sure it will work out fine
. My friend wanted to go to a trichologist, but she couldn't find one...her dermatologist ended up giving her a referral. Please keep us posted.
NGC said:
Hi hairlove,

NGC - I will have to see a dermatologist first b/c I can't seem to find an actual trichologist within my insurance plan. Do you think I need one who specializes in ethnic skin/hair?

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I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a trichologist that specializes in ethic skin/hair.

If you plan on visiting a dermatologist first, yes I would recommend finding one that does specialize in ethnic skin.

In high school I went to one that specialized in ethnic skin and he was really good. He even developed his own skin cream, etc.

As an adult I went to one that did not specialize in ethnic skin and although she was/is good, she was very conservative in terms of addressing pigmentation issues and adult acne on me.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is what I mean. I cannot find a trichologist at I was wondering about finding a dermatologist specializing in ethnic skin/hair. Hopefully, I can find one. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I hate that you are going thru this, but with time and TLC it can get better. It took 2 yrs before my crown area started closing. I've moved toward mostly sulfate-free shampoos and I stopped any hair style that placed tension in that area. Also I got rid of my work related stress. My crown started growing but slow then I went to a Dermatologist that wrote for a topical steriod which has helped also. Believe me, I know how you are feeling. I have cried like a baby many, many nites, but it can get better.

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That is good to hear that it got better. I feel like I am going to be getting through the bad aftereffects of that awful relaxer for more years to come.
girl, I am going thru something dramatic too. After much sucess with following what the ladies on the board say, I find that I have these two spots at the very front of my hair line, sometimes they sting and sometimes they tingle. I don't put any heat on my hair or do any grease on my scalp. I try not to braid it tight when I do my braidouts and twist outs, It's been going on for a couple of months now. I'll just watch and see but I will be going to a trichologist if the problem keeps happening.
Hi Hairlove,

I'm sorry I don't have any specific medical advice, but I do want to wish you well and encourage you. A trichologist will be able to help you, but just try to stay positive. I can tell you that my mom went through a similar experience at the beginning of the year. Her hair was coming out in patches- all along the top of her head. I can't see the pattern you're descibing, but I know my mom's was 10 times worse. Anyway, she came to visit in February and I took her to a salon and conviced her (against her will) to chop it all off and give it a rest by wearing a wig. I AM IN NO WAY SUGGESTING YOU CUT YOUR HAIR, I just want you to know that it will grow back. I just saw my mom last week, and her hair has grown out to about 4 inches just by keeping it in individual braids, applying WGO, and wearing a wig. All of the bald spots have filled in because she patiently waited and just left it alone.

I hope this story offers a bit of encouragement to you!!!

it might be easier to find a good dermatologist than a trichologist. i haven't been able to find one here in l.a. i have been blessed with a great black dermatologist though. i have a friend who went to him for her skin. while there, he noticed her thinning temple area. it was that way because of years of wearing braids too tight. he gave her some samples of a topical steroid called Cormax. she reluctantly tried it. well, after having little more than fuzz in the temple area for at least 5 years, it started filling back in. it's almost completely back now. so if all else fails, ask for some samples of that to see if it will help with the spot.

good luck, girl!
Don't know how I missed this thread, but I hope everything works out for you hairlove! /images/graemlins/up.gif
Hairlove, I have the same issue in the back of my head. However--I think my problem stems from wet ponytailing and then lying on it. The damage was a result of the friction. Could you be experiencing the same situation?
Choco - I don't think so. I only wash in the morning so I am not lying on a wet ponytail. My area is in my crown. My hair texture IS different there but I still think it is thin, too.
Hairlove, My friend also had a similar incident. She found two bald spots in the front side of her hair (2b/2c). She went to see a dermatologist who prescribed (I think she said it was rogaine) but in prescription form (???) Anyway, she used this serum like prescription and it worked perfectly. Th BL...You'll be find and I beleive going to see the derm with be the best thing for you.
