Hairline Health - Help Around the Edges


New Member
I'm completely fro-tastic these days and have recently cut off the remainder of my relaxed ends. My hair is growing so fully and freely; it listens to me and I listen to it. We have a great relationship now.

Except for ONE THING. I cannot get the growth I want around my hairline. My edges have been ripped and pulled out from relaxers, weaves, ponytails, colors and everything else I did to it in my hey day. Now that I'm natural, I'm loving my hair... but I need for my hairline to join the party.

Anyone have suggestions on how to get the hairline to recover and to restore the thickness to the edges?



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How long have your edges been thin? The best thing to do is to avoid pulling the hair back or placing any tension on the hair. You can try massages and the JBCO and see if it will help.
It sounds like traction alopecia
Traction Alopecia : Causes & Treatment Options

I know it to basically be that the hair strands are pulled so tightly over time that the follicle develps scar tissue and the hair is unable to grow in many cases. Your edges do not look as bad as I thought ( I expanded the picture).

Like another poster stated NO tight hair styles and you could also attempt to massage that area each night after applying the JBCO. It will take a minimum of six weeks to see any growth. You dont have to necessarily purchase the JBCO you can also use the Home health castor oil . If I were you I would choose the latter because the former has a VERY strong scent, It almost smells like something is burning.
I use the scented jbco to help with the smell. Then there's always essential oils mixed in with a carrier oil to help. I try to make sure my edges are just as moisturized as the other parts of my hair and no tight scarves, headbands, tension or brushing. Right now mines filling in so it's all just beady beads.
How long have your edges been thin? The best thing to do is to avoid pulling the hair back or placing any tension on the hair. You can try massages and the JBCO and see if it will help.

I have to pull it back sometimes because the fro is so ginourmous that if I don't, I won't be able to get my headphones across it - which I'm required to do while working and/or making music. So I wear it in a puff or twisted up to the top often... not sure how to get around that. In both cases though, I make sure its not styled super tight.

Also, even though its a silk scarf, I wonder if having it on every night is contributing to thinness too.
It sounds like traction alopecia
Traction Alopecia : Causes & Treatment Options

I know it to basically be that the hair strands are pulled so tightly over time that the follicle develps scar tissue and the hair is unable to grow in many cases. Your edges do not look as bad as I thought ( I expanded the picture).

Like another poster stated NO tight hair styles and you could also attempt to massage that area each night after applying the JBCO. It will take a minimum of six weeks to see any growth. You dont have to necessarily purchase the JBCO you can also use the Home health castor oil . If I were you I would choose the latter because the former has a VERY strong scent, It almost smells like something is burning.

Giiiiiirl, bye. Those pics were serious, and made me a little nervous to tell you the truth. My thinness is not on that level; but its scary to think about how the wrong hair practices and styles can really destroy a person's ability to grow hair. God bless the men and women who are trying to resolve it when its gotten to such a severe level because I know that must be hard to deal with.

I'm going to switch it up and try some of these suggestions. It just seems like I've been working on this for years. Would love to find that one thing that just finally works!