Hairfinity 2014 Challenge


I'm sure there are threads about this vitamin but is anyone taking it? What type of results did you get and did it benefit your hair? Not in just growth but overall health? TIA

I'm doing this thread as sort of a personal Hairfinity challenge to see how it will benefit me. I rcvd it yesterday in the mail and took 2 capsules last night and again tonight. I plan on taking 2 every evening.

Anyone else want to post your experience? Or possibly join me?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Re: Hairfinity...

I ordered a two month supply and started on Sunday! I didn't take a starting picture, but I'll try to take one tonight. I used to take Viviscal but I was ordering them from Amazon and every package had slightly different shaped pills. I'm loving that Hairfinity is in a gel cap. Super easy to swallow!
Re: Hairfinity...

I would add another hair vitamin to what i am already taking but i can't afford Hairfinity. I hope it gives you both good results.
I'll join. Have been taking Hairfinity since mid October. Am on my second bottle and just ordered 4 more bottles thanks to 15 percent off coupon on Black Friday. I do not have a starting pic as I'm currently in a sew-in for protecting styling.
I'll join. Have been taking Hairfinity since mid October. Am on my second bottle and just ordered 4 more bottles thanks to 15 percent off coupon on Black Friday. I do not have a starting pic as I'm currently in a sew-in for protecting styling.

I know I used the discount as well and purchased 2 bottles.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Re: Hairfinity...

I just started taking them this week. I went and found a BSS that sales them thats not far from me and they gave me 10% off. I'm taking 2 a night and drinking ALOT of water and taking vitamin C(I heard that it will help with the breakouts) so far so good!! :)

I don't mind joining in on the challenge also!!
Currently taking them. I'm only about 2 weeks in. Maybe more because some days i only took 1 pill.I ordered the 2 month supply. In this short period of time I've noticed a little bit of length in my nape area. More shedding (not broken hairs). It was a horrible experience in terms of stomach pain and nausea when I first began to take the pills. My system had to get use to the pills.
Re: Hairfinity...

I will join you I started taking them in March I'm relaxed so I noticed since I started taking them I get new growth very quickly when I first started taking them I was not taking care of my hair properly so I have about 4 more bottles to go and I'm taking care of my hair better now I can say my hair has thickened up
Re: Hairfinity...

Someone at work mentioned this at work today. I think I might try this vitamin. How much it is?
Someone at work mentioned this at work today. I think I might try this vitamin. How much it is?

Hey go to their site and see if they still have the sale going on. I got them with the sale but I can't remember off the top of my head what the price is.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Hey I'll join! I'm excited someone started this. I purchased the two month supply and today has been one week of taking them for me. I take one in the morning and one in the evening. And I have been drinking alot of water as well to battle breaking out. So far so good. Obviously no growth or anything after one week, but no bad side effects either. I have my hair in corn rows under my wig so I will take them down in another 3 weeks and see if I got any growth.
Just took my 2 pills for today. I find it easier on my stomach if I take in evening/night with food. It doesn't upset or make me feel nauseous like prenatal vitamins in the past did...yuck I hate them horse vitamins!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Re: Hairfinity...

The first day I took them I felt a little queasy, but I've been okay ever since. I take them in the morning before breakfast.
I bought 2 bottles as well. I have 12 days left of my current vitamins. I'll be starting the very next day.
Re: Hairfinity...

I just ordered the 2 month supply. It's $42 @CurlyMoo or $24 for 1 bottle. In 5 days I'll be joining y'all.

Just took my 2 pills for today. I find it easier on my stomach if I take in evening/night with food. It doesn't upset or make me feel nauseous like prenatal vitamins in the past did...yuck I hate them horse vitamins!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

Thank you ladies. Not to be nit picky but how does Hairfinity compare to Nioxin? I loved Nioxin, thought it was affective. Even with the cracked pills.:rolleyes:

I had just started adjusting to the breakouts then it was discontinued and the remaining bottles went up to $200. :nono:
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Re: Hairfinity...

I just starting taking these again. The first time I started was at the beginning of my journey and I felt they weren't working. Now that I know more about hair retention, I'll be better at being able to judge whether they work or not.

Count me in. I'm on my first of two bottles.
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Thank you ladies. Not to be nit picky but how does Hairfinity compare to Nioxin? I loved Nioxin, thought it was affective. Even with the cracked pills.:rolleyes:

I had just started adjusting to the breakouts then it was discontinued and the remaining bottles went up to $200. :nono:

I'm not sure as I've never taken Nixon.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Re: Hairfinity...

Thank you ladies. Not to be nit picky but how does Hairfinity compare to Nioxin? I loved Nioxin, thought it was affective. Even with the cracked pills.:rolleyes:

I had just started adjusting to the breakouts then it was discontinued and the remaining bottles went up to $200. :nono:

I have no clue about nioxin.
Re: Hairfinity...

I'm back on it now. I started taking it a couple years ago after I lost 4 inches of growth because of a scissor happy braider. I got great growth when I took it and am glad I'm back on it again.:grin:

I take the pills separately with my lunch and dinner because it's easier on my stomach that way. I'm down for this challenge.:grin:
So I forgot to post but I've taken my pills every night since I rcvd them. I put my hair in a sew in and will keep it in til the end of the year maybe lol. My starting pic is below. Please excuse the blurry son took it. The purple LC shirt is a little passed the number 3 and the green shirt is close to the number 2.



Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF