HairCrush's Regimen: New Video!

so are people looking to get educated on hair care through her vids? or using it strictly as hair porn like me? lol
Her hair is some kinda different. I have never seen hair like hers...on that note, this is hair porn for me.

ITA. She says her hair shrinks up about 4-5 inches, but it's still insanely long, even in a twist-out or in a shrunken state. I like to believe that she has no layers at all (hair at the crown is probably the same length as hair at the nape?). I really can't explain it, but it's something incredible. :yep:
*Raises hand* I watch her for the Hair Porn. :blush: :drool:

Her hair is made from alien strands that are like nylon strings. Beautiful head of hair.

Yea...I don't get any tips from her, I just like to stare at her hair and be I think her reggie is just cowash every two weeks and leave it alone after that...?
This is what I got from the video:

-Co-washes every 2 weeks, applies a veggie glycerin/water leave in and seals with oil.
She rocks her braid out or twist out for 2 weeks and applies oil to scalp 2-3 times a week and oil to the ends daily.
-She deep conditions every 2 weeks with a plastic cap for 5 hours or overnight.
-She only detangles/combs her hair in the shower under water with conditioner.
-She shampoos every 6 weeks and only applies it to the scalp.

-When her hair was shorter she wore twists for a week or 2 then wore a twist out. Now she barely wears twists outside of the house.
-She said that oil is good for preventing breakage.
-Listen to your hair- if you need to deep condition before the 2 week mark then do so.