Haircolor...the good, bad, and the ugly...


New Member
Here's my question, can you safely color...meaning LIFT the color of your hair without significant damage?

I want to dye my hair honey blond. I really, really, really want to do it. I've been honey blond before but I was relaxed, and my hair wasn't as healthy as it could have been, but I lacked the knowledge of healthy haircare practices then.


Has anyone lifted their haircolor, and maintained a healthy head of hair?

My hair is naturally a dusty sandybrown, ugly color. I dye it black, and have had no problems, but I know that has to do with the fact that I am only depositing color.

Now I am walking around with 4 inches of sandy brown roots, and black hair. Can I lift my color? Or should I just get the idea out of my head and continue on with the goal of BSL? If it helps any, I am natural, with no splits, and no breakage. (thankfully!)

I do NOT want a set back.
i've hair was dyed black for years and in October I got the black lifted out by hair cuttery which means they actually had to double process bleach it to lift out black and my hair has still been growing healthy since then...initially i dc'ed one a week with tigi dumb blonde and i think they helped but i dont have split ends or breakage as a matter of fact i haven't trimmed since my bc and i am now approaching APL in only 15 i suggest hyst letting a professional do it
Don't do it, I had amazing hair til I colored mine, and every time I color it back it grows, then when I color it again I lose so much length... I been coloring since 03 and I always dye it back to get some length, then I get length, then when I color it, it breaks again... Check my fotki if you want proof... I might have hair to my knees if I didn't color lol... Coloring really could be your setback if you do it...
Then again it couldn't you're not me lol.
It didn't help me out any though...
Happy growing!
With great difficulty (in keeping hair healthy) it can be done.

Please seek out a professional if you must (I certainly wouldn't)!! I agree with the above posters on this.

Try using a color remover vs. straight bleach to remove your existing black hair color (I used Color Oops at home with great results to do this).

Not that I think you don't already know this, but it bears repeating:

DEEP CONDITION AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK if you are successful (again, I wouldn't attempt it, personally).


Know that heat may be out of the question for you if you succeed in this, it will depend largely on your hair.

Also, invest in an ultra moisturizing leave-in (preferably with a smidge of protein if you go hyper blonde), if you don't use one already.

If you go through with it, I hope you get the color you want with no breakage. :grin: