HairCare Dictionary...


Well-Known Member
Ya know - ladies, we've got all kinds of terms and what not that we use. Let's compile all the different acronyms (such as CON for Creme of Nature) and ORS (for Organic Root Stimulator), definitions and terms (BSS - Beauty Supply Store) in one place.

And if you have questions about acronyms and definitions, ask them here.

I'll start:

CON - Creme of Nature
ORS - Organic Root Stimulator
BSS - Beauty Supply Store

::haha...I took the easy ones::

And now for my question:

What the heck is a humectant? I know which conditioners contain humectants (NeXXus humectress, Keracare Humecto, Suave Milk and Honey, Suave Humectant) and I know they're for moisture and protein (I think)...but what IS the humectant?

What's it do - and why did I run out and buy some conditioner because it said humectant on the bottle - I knew it's a good thing :p , like a lining in a suit, but I'm not really sure why its good ? :perplexed
There's already a sticky on the first page about the acronyms that are used on the board.

A humectant is an ingredient that attracts moisture to the hair. The only ones that I can think of are honey and glycerine. When looking at the ingredient list on the product, they should probably be in the top 10 in order to be effective.