Hair wont curl w/ heat & is very DRY!!!


Well-Known Member
I have short relaxed hair and I hate to but I have to use heat daily to curl. My hair grows at a good rate I have no breakage but I recently I washed and wrapped my hair then the next day. I tried to curl it with my ceramic curling iron and it would not curl. I gave myself and Aphogee treatment last week and I did a Mendex deep treatment this week. I dont know may be myhair has too much protein. Has anyone else experienced not being able to curl with heat?
Did you follow the protein treatment with a deep moisturizer treatment? I know the aphogee treatment is pretty hardcore and most people follow up with a deep moisturizing treatment. You might want to try doing a hot oil treatment It has been a while since I've had relaxed hair so I'm probably not the best person to give advice on relaxed hair but I think a hot oil treatment may help you. You may also try wrapping your hair instead of using direct heat.
Maybe you should clarify. You may have a build up or try rolling up your hair instead of hot curling. Just my opinion
I'm co-signing with what the ladies are saying, plus it seems as if you are using way too much heat! No matter how much you deep condition if you continue to use as much heat as you do your hair will not be healthy. It's best to keep the heat at a minimum and try other styling options such as rollersets, if you really desire that straigth look all the time then maybe a weave would be a good option.
maybe yr ends are fried. Try clipping your ends and proceed w/ caution. Why not just wrap yr hair? Being that yr hair is short, that should create a nice roller like effect. That is how I used to wear my hair when it was relaxed. The style should last as long as u dry wrap it.
I agree about the ends. That's usually why hair won't curl or hold a curl. And the heat everyday just makes it worse. Although I do understand. I too had short short hair about 2 years ago from a drastic and weird BC I had done. I had to use heat constantly. Luckily my hair survived. But I wouldn't do it again.... I think.
Natrlchallenge said:
maybe yr ends are fried. Try clipping your ends and proceed w/ caution. Why not just wrap yr hair? Being that yr hair is short, that should create a nice roller like effect. That is how I used to wear my hair when it was relaxed. The style should last as long as u dry wrap it.

this is what I plan on doing once I purchase a wrapping lotion to use for at home.

birdie I am SO SO sorry to hear about your hair not curling. I co sign to all of the lovely ladies advice.
Thanks ladies for all you advice. I decided to wash my hair deep condition and just wrap and see how it falls. I can deal with the style. It's not how I want it but I in the in ugly grow out stage anyway so I've gotta make it work.
Thanks again!