Hair, weight loss, work out tips...


New Member
Hello all! This is my first attempt to create a thread since I have joined back in march. I lost my job back then and have dedicated my time (along with finding a job lol) to working out, eating right and growing my hair. Once upon a time my hair was beyond long thick and beautiful, and while I am still grateful and blessed to have the hair I have, I cannot help but wish that I could go back to my youthful hip length hair.

Since march I have:
Lost 15 pounds
Cut back dramatically on the refined or white flour foods
and grew my hair from shoulder length to armpit/bra strap length

I have been researching tips like crazy and the things that I have tried that I know work are:

Monistat (diluted in your oils of choice)
Biotin pills
folic acid
veggie juices
apple cider vinegar (you'd be amazed at so many uses)

I am interested if anyone knows of any new tips, hint or miracle workers that maybe surfacing...such as:

hairfinity pills
grow aut oil
wild growth oil
gelatin pills/powder
coconut oil

All tips ideas are welcome, please be sure to include the name of any products used, the type of hair you have, the length grown and retained and the amount of time it took...I know i am asking for a lot lol but i am beyond desperate.....


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A weight loss discovery...

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the morning or before a meal helps curb appetite regulate digestion and burn fat.

L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps regulate metabolism. Mix it in a protein shake, or in your favorite drink and watch the pounds come off. Works best when you work out and eat right.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a hair cleanser to rid of funguses and dandruff. I use it diluted in water once or twice a month to give my scalp a tingly feeling.
Congrats on your weight loss! I've used wild growth oil didnt really make a difference as far as growth was concerned. What did help me was using a sulfur mix. I made my own but there are plenty of them on the market now. I havent really done the other products or hair vitamins (i take prenatals) so I cant speak on those. For me sulfur was the best. Hth :)
sak passe my haitian sister! I am half haitian my self...yes my mom has told me about the sulfur I am willing to try it as soon as i see results with the other million products i am using lol... I recently did the coconut relaxer, didnt do much to my hair, i imagine its a great deep conditioner for me, but did wonders for my mom's, loosened her curl! i did the grow aut i wasnt very consistant but i feel as if it nourrished my hair and made it softer...i am back on my monistat and castor oil routine....i find these to be the most far as supplements Ive added garlic to my pill popping to help with breakage...will keep u posted!