Hair Washing Technique Needed


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I have the most horrible tangles and my stylist has the toughest time detangling, losing lots of hair, when washing my hair :nono:. Therefore I dread it every time I have to have it done. What are your washing techniques to try to avoid this? Do you section your hair before washing? I am going to try the DC on dry hair and the oil rinsing technique for the first time soon, but even still, I am worried I am still gonna end up with tangles. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am currently using Aveda DR and the Brilliant lines, alternating each week via the salon (I hate going to the salon). I want to start doing my own hair using some of you ladies techniques. I need help bad, for my hair is thinning and thinning with every wash.
Ladies, I have the most horrible tangles and my stylist has the toughest time detangling, losing lots of hair, when washing my hair :nono:. Therefore I dread it every time I have to have it done. What are your washing techniques to try to avoid this? Do you section your hair before washing? I am going to try the DC on dry hair and the oil rinsing technique for the first time soon, but even still, I am worried I am still gonna end up with tangles. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am currently using Aveda DR and the Brilliant lines, alternating each week via the salon (I hate going to the salon). I want to start doing my own hair using some of you ladies techniques. I need help bad, for my hair is thinning and thinning with every wash.

I had this same problem a few weeks ago. I got some great advice from the ladies. Here is the thread. HTH