hair washing schedule?


Well-Known Member
some people wash their hair once a week. others 2 or 3 times a week. i wash my hair twice a week but lately have felt the need to wash it 3 times a week... it just gets flatter and my scalp is getting itchier earlier than usual...

so question for your ladies: do you try to stick to a wash schedule no matter -how- your hair looks or feels? or do you wash your hair as soon as you feel like it feels dirty?

my mother nearly bit my head off when i said i was going to wash my hair and it had only been 2 days. she thinks i should only have to wash it once a week. i think she doesn't understand since she chopped off all of her hair and gets it professionally done once a week so she doesn't have to wash it herself...

i haven't been on this board long and i'm still trying to figure out what works best.

thanks in advance for your input.
Wednesday and Saturdays because of my work/home schedule. Sometimes, I get the wild hair urge to wash my hair and so I do because I want to and l like doing it. In the summer, I wash/condition and/or deep condition almost everyday.

I know that many black women were raised on the notion that frequent hair washing is bad, and it is often hard to break that old school idea. And you know how moms can be. As long as you're buying the products, she'll be fine... eventually.
I wash twice a week because I enjoy washing but also because if I went any longer without washing, I'd get a headache. Go figure. :look: Sometimes I'll throw in an extra wash because I find it relaxing or because I just felt like doing a CW but usually two washes seem to satisfy my desire.
I cowash once a week and I wash and DC once a week. I only do my hair once a week because I don't like doing hair all that much. I only do it cause I have to. If it would grow long and be healthy and I don't have to wash it , I'd be so happy.
I wash once weekly. My regimen is time-consuming. The coffee rinsing, dcing, and rollersetting is draining.
How often I wash depends on how I'm wearing my hair for that period of time, because it changes alot depending on how I feel.

If I'm co-washing, then I'm doing it every day.

If I'm wearing my hair straight, it's pretty safe to assume I'm shampooing once a week.
Now that I'm back working out six days a week, I wash/cowash on my sweat days. Which is about 3 days a week. But I don't do anything special to my hair due to the heavy workouts. I just throw my hair in two pigtails and scarf to flatten out new growth and airdry overnight. Good to go!
I need to shampoo at least twice a week and if my hair wants it I will also co-wash in that same week.
I am used to co-washing and roller setting only once a month but I'm trying to get my hair back on track so I started a new schedule of washing and setting 2x a week. I really hope that this improves my hair. Do what works for you-- don't worry about Mommie. :)
Everyone is different. When I washed my hair 2-3 times a week, my hair broke alot. I think this happened becuase I have hard water. I reduced it to once a week and now everything fine.

some people wash their hair once a week. others 2 or 3 times a week. i wash my hair twice a week but lately have felt the need to wash it 3 times a week... it just gets flatter and my scalp is getting itchier earlier than usual...

so question for your ladies: do you try to stick to a wash schedule no matter -how- your hair looks or feels? or do you wash your hair as soon as you feel like it feels dirty?

my mother nearly bit my head off when i said i was going to wash my hair and it had only been 2 days. she thinks i should only have to wash it once a week. i think she doesn't understand since she chopped off all of her hair and gets it professionally done once a week so she doesn't have to wash it herself...

i haven't been on this board long and i'm still trying to figure out what works best.

thanks in advance for your input.