Hair volumizes BIG time in humidity = dry hair?

I have relaxed hair and air dried last night with a braid out. Its poofed up and volumized twice/three times its size. Why? Humidity is so high in NY today its like you could cut the air with a knife.

Does hair thickening in the heat mean the hair is dry? porous? Just wondered what makes one person's hair poof in humidity and others don't
I want to know also. I read an article where a hairstylist said humidity will make a relaxer droopy and limp as opposed to frizzy if it is properly applied. But then I don't understand how people with non-relaxed hair have problems with frizzy, puffy hair.

Do you think it has anything to do with all the humectants in the products that we use? They are designed to draw and hold moisture to the hair. So the hair just overdoses in humid climates. My friend went to Denver from Atlanta and she said her hair was perfect the entire time. No drooping, frizzing, puffing or anything. I guess it's that "dry heat".
I just read a little article that said that if your hair becomes a giant puff ball in the humidity, it is because your hair is dry. They suggested wetting the hair with water or applying more moisturizer to the hair to combat the frizzies.
I read somewhere (can't remember) that curly and chemically processed hair have cuticles that aren't smooth. So when it gets damp the hair swells up.

Off topic, but:
A male friend and I were watching Friday After Next. The pimp's hair got wet and started to frizz. My friend looked at me and said, "Is that why you always ran from the rain?"
My hair frizzed up to a cotton ball when I was natural and it still frizzes up now that I am texturized.

My hair was so straight and pretty this morning, now it looks like Gilda Radna's character Roseanne Rosanna-Dana (from Saturday Night Live).
My hair frizzed up to a cotton ball when I was natural and it still frizzes up now that I am texturized.

My hair was so straight and pretty this morning, now it looks like Gilda Radna's character Roseanne Rosanna-Dana (from Saturday Night Live).

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Ditto! My hair fizzed up as a child and as an matter what I did to it. The only time I had any success was when I had my Halle cut. I think it was because I kept my ends clipped and none of the hair was 'old' when your hair is long.
Ya know, I did hear somewhere that hair frizzes when it is dry. Maybe because your hair is pulling moisture from another source (the atmosphere) and is plumping up. Kind of like how humectants work...not really giving moisture itself, but pulling it from somewhere else...

Funny u should mention, BRH. I live in NYC too and today was murder...but for the first time, my braid out was limp and damp, like a jacked up s curl, instead of moist and tightly curled as it usually is...i have 4a relaxed (lye) hair...go figure....
Re: Hair volumizes BIG time in humidity = dry hair

For the past few months my hair has been doing so great that I haven't had much a routine. But boy did that change today.

I rinsed twice to day and the products that I have used to smooth down don't seem to be working. It looks like I'll have to mix up some stronger potions to keep this hair in check this summer.--kc
Funny u should mention, BRH. I live in NYC too and today was murder...but for the first time, my braid out was limp and damp, like a jacked up s curl, instead of moist and tightly curled as it usually is...i have 4a relaxed (lye) hair...go figure....

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Hey I live in NY too and I could have drowned in the humidity today
! I had to wet my hair and put it in a ponytail. If I had worn it out, it would have looked like I air dried it. I am also a 4a relaxed.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Lunalight, its wierd how hair responds to these conditions.

Mine just got dryer and dryer but not as in strawlike, just dry, the waves almost were not existant and very FULL. Actually I quite liked it as it wasn't like an afro but a big head of hair which is a big contrast to wearing my hair straight.

This isn't the first time my hair has volumed under humid weather. Maybe I'll see if a stronger deep condition will help some. Or maybe a serum?

Tonight I did another braid out but I added EVOO to the conditioner for about 10 mins (Aubrey Organics Swimmers conditioner). Lets see if that makes a difference. If not, then maybe adding serum for the next humid day.
Sweetcocoa, why does old hair frizz?

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I'm not sure...maybe because as you go down the length your hair tends to be drier then at the roots...because it's been exposed to the air longer..which makes it drier and dry hair absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. It's kinda hard for me to explain...but your ends are what frizz first. That's why hair that is in need of a trim frizzes faster than hair that is kept trimmed.