Hair Vitamins for kids


New Member
My six year old daugher got her hair 12" cut off by her friend without her realising. Her hair was styled in cornrows, so we had to literally shave it off, she was virtualy bald.This all happened a month ago. SHe has about 1/4 " of new growth. Needless to say she was traumatised by the incident and has affected her self esteem. I told her by eating her veggies her will grow her hair back. One month later she expects her hair to be the lenght it was.

My question is how safe are vitamins like msm and biotin to use on kids , is it advisable at all.
Oh my goodness. I'm sorry to hear that!!
Jeez!!! so sorry to hear that. I sure hope somone can help you, I can't but just had to say sorry. I do know that as adults some of us get pimples and such so I dont know. Maybe you can talk to her doc. Sulfer 8 for greasing scalp helps grow hair, maybe you can try that during the summer as she is out of school and the smell can be a bother to others. All my vits are by Puritan's Pride and they all say not intended for use by persons under the age of 18 in bold type.
Actually Aida, it's only the MSM that has the "warning" on it. The biotin and B-5 dont. But still there is no dosage for kids on it -- girl I'm so sorry, hope somone helps you soon.
Yeah sulfur 8 grows hair good. But the smell stanks. But she can get a multivitamin like flinstones vitamins. I am sorry to hear that though.
Aww, Aida, I'm sorry. The first thing that came to mind as a good supplement source for kids was Pediasure. (I love Ensure and because I'm dairy intolerant, it's the perfect drink for me since it uses soy (I think).) At least with Pediasure, you'll know your baby is getting vitamins in safe proportions. I haven't heard anything negative about Biotin but I would try diet and Pediasure first, and then talk to your doctor about biotin. For diet, here's a hair-enhancing diet I once posted. Even if you cannot adhere to it strictly, it won't hurt to try it once in a while. And then just make sure your baby is getting a well balanced diet. If you can find a flavor of Pediasure that she likes then you can make that a between-the-meals shake or TV-time treat.

While you wait on the hair to grow, perhaps people with healthy TWAs here on LHCF can recommend good oils/moisturizers that don't have harsh chemicals that give hair a nice, healthy glow and soft feel. You can then bring that out of the TWA your baby has and sing praises about the softness and shine till she begins to feel that hot about herself. She might start to appreciate her hair's healthy state so much and love it, she'll forget that length was ever an issue. Tell her you two are gonna work on making her hair da bomb. Perhaps you can put a plastic cap on her head with a nice oil/conditioner on for an hour before you wash it. And then perhaps a serum after the final rinse while wet, then apply moisturizer then comb it. Serum makes hair feel smooth and look shiny. Praise the shine, the softness...and not just then, every time you look at her, rave about it, even if she was thinking about hair. This may be a blessing in disguise because you're gonna strengthen/beautify her hair right from scratch and use the right care on it so that she'll have a mane that's the envy of town. So when she joins LHCF in her later years she can post on that thread about myths from moms, "My mom could kick butt when it came to caring for hair."

A little psychology goes a long way. Let her not know that the diet or drink are for hair. Take the attention off its growing long, and focus on making it the coolest hair around. And while you'll secretly be working on growing it dietwise, she'll be showing off her natural glorious crown having forgotten length mattered at all. When it's long enough for cornrows, find someone who braids kids to do some out-of-this-world designs on her, and buy her cute adornments. I like braids meeting at the top of the head (like a pony tail) and you can use different adornments where they meet. Or have them meet on one side of the head where people make partings, only imagine the meeting part going all the way back so parallel cornrows meet there and their ends are joined in some fancy way like with a raised French braid going back. I never had long hair as a kid but I was the envy of town with my cute li'l cornrow styles. Length never crossed my mind.

Wishing you both happiness...
Aida, I'm so sorry to hear that....Nonie gave some excellent advice...I also agree with the poster that perhaps supplementing with PediaSure and/or taking a children's chewable will help. I actually give my son a liquid flaxseed supplement on a daily basis...(not for his hair, but for his ADD) several women here take flaxseed oil for hair health. Do a search on it. I think it's safe for children. In the meanwhile, maybe you can get your daughter involved in an activity like ballet, tap, gymnastics that will help her self-esteem as well as get her mind off of her hair. You never know those activities may take her far!
Anyway the additional activites and vitamins will really help her circulation which helps hair growth. Good luck to your daughter and please give us an update as to how she's doing in a couple of months!

God bless!
I m so sorry maybe you could give her a regular multivitamin for children and when her hair grows up a bit give her some braids that will resemble the same lengh o fher hair and take her mind off how short her hair is.
o also check out if the multi vitamins for kids has biotin in it.and sulphur 8 gav me growth sprout when my hair was very very short.
God Bless your litle girl. I have an 8yr. old and an 11yr. old and their doctor told me that children can take 1/2 the adult dose of vitamins. He said that 2mg of biotin was fine but not to give them the MSM because so many people have alergies to sulphur. He also said 1 kids multi, evening primrose oil 1 per day, flax seed oil 1 per day, fish oil 1 per day were fine. I give them half of the pills in the morning and the other half at bed time. I have noticed a signifigant increase in growth. My girls have not experienced any breakouts or negative side efects in fact their skin is more beautiful than ever. My daughters drink a great deal of water and eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Just check with her doctor. I wish your daughter many blessings.