Hair Vitamin That Actually Works!!

Has anyone mentioned that EA offers a 45 day guarantee? If your hair doesn't grow you can send the bottles back.
I don't see why this post differs from anyone who has raved over MT, MTG, Mango butter, coconut oil..or whatever. I mean I think that long time members are always suspicious of newbies..we all have the intelligence to take from what we want from the information and move on. I for one appreciate your post.. I know I might not get 6 inches in 7 weeks..but it's a vitamin and prolly will have some impact.

Don't stop posting your reviews girl..shake the haters off!
these vits worked for like 6-8 months when i first started taken them(i had never taken vitamins before). i had stopped for a while cause they didn't seem to work anymore, but when i started back up, they didn't do anything.
I think it's cool that on the website they make you aware that supplements alone will not do it for you and we all know that.(They don't say it but they offer you extra enhancers) Maybe if you don't have the right extras going on it won't work for you. They offer a shampoo with Emu Oil, we know that works, they suggest using jojoba oil as well, we know that works too. Yes they are out to make sales of their products but I am sure using the extras has everything to do with it. Unfortunately the testimonials do not say what was done in addition to vitamins. Just a thought.
I think it's cool that on the website they make you aware that supplements alone will not do it for you and we all know that.(They don't say it but they offer you extra enhancers) Maybe if you don't have the right extras going on it won't work for you. They offer a shampoo with Emu Oil, we know that works, they suggest using jojoba oil as well, we know that works too. Yes they are out to make sales of their products but I am sure using the extras has everything to do with it. Unfortunately the testimonials do not say what was done in addition to vitamins. Just a thought.

I too think that could be the case....I use the vits, shampoo, and jojoba oil. So far, so good! :)

Some of the posts in this thread have been plain mean! If you don't like, believe or agree with what the OP said, why not be kind or just keep it movin.
I don't see why this post differs from anyone who has raved over MT, MTG, Mango butter, coconut oil..or whatever. I mean I think that long time members are always suspicious of newbies..we all have the intelligence to take from what we want from the information and move on. I for one appreciate your post.. I know I might not get 6 inches in 7 weeks..but it's a vitamin and prolly will have some impact.

Don't stop posting your reviews girl..shake the haters off!
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Oh, I'm not saying that it doesn't work for some people, I or that the pill is a scam product. I was speaking more in their approach. It just seems to me that they joined the forum to post about the product. Which by definition is spamming.

And again, that's not the case. I found this thread after I joined....I searched Exotic Allure because it was something I'm using and familiar see what others had to say, found the thread, and gave my input like everyone else! Now, I'm done explaining myself....not being rude just trying to clear things up. :) Paying money to spam is stupid in my opinion....moving on....
And again, that's not the case. I found this thread after I joined....I searched Exotic Allure because it was something I'm using and familiar see what others had to say, found the thread, and gave my input like everyone else! Now, I'm done explaining myself....not being rude just trying to clear things up. :) Paying money to spam is stupid in my opinion....moving on....

Hi Miss Nikki and Welcome!

This has been blown way out of proportion for whatever reason - please do not let the aforementioned posts discourage you from visiting and posting to the board! There is a plethora of information on here, alot love and support as we all are caught up in the struggle of getting the hair of our dreams!!!:grouphug3:

Hi Miss Nikki and Welcome!

This has been blown way out of proportion for whatever reason - please do not let the aforementioned posts discourage you from visiting and posting to the board! There is a plethora of information on here, alot love and support as we all are caught up in the struggle of getting the hair of our dreams!!!:grouphug3:

Thanks so much for the welcome! OMG, never thought an honest comment would blow things out of proportion like that! Heck, I was proud of my first post and thought I might be doing someone a favor (guess not)....not leaving the impression that I'm a "spammer" LOL. Anyway, thank you for your support. Trust me, I'm not at all discouraged....I guess I will learn more about LHCF with time....and you're right, there is a plethora of info. on here that I've found useful. Heck, I didn't know what a co-wash was nor heard of it before I joined. Seems like I've been missing out on A LOT!...been co-washing since I found out and LOVING it! I also found out about the Boundless Tresses by NL, received my order earlier this week and loving that too! :) heehee. Again, thank you :peace:!

Speaking of which..I got mine today... hopefully I get good results so when I post my review.. People will think I'm a spammer...:lachen::lachen::lachen:

:goodone: You got that right....God forbid you have GOOD results! Only spammers post positive comments right!?!?! LOL :giggle::ha::laugh:
I thought LHCF was suppose to be like this....:grouphug3:

Anyway, good luck with the BT girl! Hopefully we both get "positive" results to share.....
