Hair vent: Texturize or not.....


Hi there!
Hi ladies. I'm concidering texturizing and growing out my 1 inch 4a/b twa. I'm looking for an easier way to manage my hair becuase I'm not too fond of twist sessions etc. I'd like to be able to wash my hair, add some light product and go. The longest I've been natural was about 8-9 months. My hair was healthy, but the puff was getting kinda tired and the twists were too time consuming. I also didn't want to use much heat. I also didn't like the picked out afro look either because I don't think that I had the personality to match that look lol. I'm more conservative than I once thought. What bugs me out is the thought of growing my natural hair for a long time, only to apply a chemical one day....I'd feel like i'd ruined my hard work. I can really see how relaxers are called 'creamy crack'. It's addictive. Hair is supposed to be fun, right? After finding this sight and seeing so many beautiful ladies with long hair, makes me want to join in!

Having said that....

- what are some good relaxers/texturizers that I can look into that don't cost a fortune? Is Cream of Nature mild lye still a good choice and is anyone still using that with good results? I know how to apply the texturizer myself.

- It kinda hurts me that I can never seem to choose between natural and texturized. Sigh. The last time that I went natural (8 months or so), I tried so hard to not relax again, hard that I even chopped my hair back down to a twa again for easier maintanance. The only problem with that is that short hair doesn't really make me feel pretty. I know that's shallow lol.

- maybe I should just calm down and commit to not commit. One year natural and one year texturized. The only thing that I'm sure of is that it will most likely grow back lol. Natural was cool for awhile, but now I'm not sure.

thanks for reading my little vent : ))
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I think you should get braids in your hair to give you a chance to really think hard about your decision. I would hate for your hardwork to go down the drain. It is your choice and we will support you in your decision. I think you may be making an emotional decision based on frustrations.
Sweetie, i can't offer u advice on how to style a natural, since i've never been natural. but since you are undecisive (which is totally okay), have u ever thought of sporting your twa when u feel like it and when u feel the need for long straight hair, get a weave? it surely would cure your boredom. Check out those lace fronts that some people rock...u can barely tell they are wigs. And don't beat yourself up about it, if you are natural, it's not a lifetime commitment, you are not obligated to stay natural out of fear of disproving your cultural awareness. your hairstyle is just that... YOUR HAIR'S STYLE, it is your choice. I don't care if you are relaxed or natural, jet-black or forest-green. You just do you, and have fun with it...
I'm kinda having the same dilemna.. I'm SERIOUSLY considering texturizing.. not because my hair is hard to manage or anything..but because of the shrinkage.. it's driving me crazy! I was thinking about just texturizing till it gets about shoulder length and then stopping..and going back to being completely then with the length.. my hair will be more weighed down and I won't have as much shrinkage... is that stupid to do it that way or no?

Sorry if I'm guanoing your thread..but I've been having the sorta same dilemna..I'm not a twa, braid, or twist person..:scratchch
trust me i know the feeling i was natural for about six month then i got a texturizer with i loved!!!!!!! i had that for about six month and my hair grow like a wild fire with my no heat just wash and go regime, but it wasn't really my style and i missed my early morning salon visit with my mom and sister so i'm back to the relaxed "halle" 'do my good old stand by 'do you just have think about all your options and what fit in your lifestyle and the only what to do that is by reseaching, asking people who have styles you might what to try and venting on LHCF when you just don't know what else to do
mkstar826 said:
why can't you wash & go with your hair natural right now?

Well first off, MKstar, lemme say that your hair is gorgeous!

I do wear my hair in a wash and go right now, as I did in the past....but I don't feel as 'put togther' as I should. Last year, I was totally into the whole neo-hippy vibe and that was cool. My basic natural style, following a morning condition/wash or mist, was to pick it out and put on a scarf and let the scarf hang down my back. So simple. I loved that look then, but I began to notice that, compared to some other ladies in the workforce (admin), I looked too casual or something...hard too explain. I'm only 5'2" and a puff makes me look like i'm about 11......i'm 32!

lemme put it this way......if I could wiggle my nose and have a big, lush, low pony puff, I'd stay natural lol. Too bad I'm not a genie lol.
RushGirl said:
I'm kinda having the same dilemna.. I'm SERIOUSLY considering texturizing.. not because my hair is hard to manage or anything..but because of the shrinkage.. it's driving me crazy! I was thinking about just texturizing till it gets about shoulder length and then stopping..and going back to being completely then with the length.. my hair will be more weighed down and I won't have as much shrinkage... is that stupid to do it that way or no?

Sorry if I'm guanoing your thread..but I've been having the sorta same dilemna..I'm not a twa, braid, or twist person..:scratchch

Yep, you're right there with me lol. I like you're idea. Natural is definatly where it's at for so many reasons, but I just need a little more length, sans shrinkage to get me over my styling hump....then I'll transistion again within a few months. NOW I see why people transistion! I've always been one to just do the big chop at about 1 week after re-touch time with no hesistation, to get to the promised land quickly....then I'd look in the mirror and slap a wig on after my < one inch of hair didn't frame my face lol. What was the point of me doing the big chop if I felt uncomfortable wearing my short hair outside???? oy. I give major credit to the ladies that are rocking the twa and looking good! I admire the confidence : ))

btw, thank you all for your insight. Can't wait to start my own photo album.
Aquamarine said:
Well first off, MKstar, lemme say that your hair is gorgeous!

I do wear my hair in a wash and go right now, as I did in the past....but I don't feel as 'put togther' as I should. Last year, I was totally into the whole neo-hippy vibe and that was cool. My basic natural style, following a morning condition/wash or mist, was to pick it out and put on a scarf and let the scarf hang down my back. So simple. I loved that look then, but I began to notice that, compared to some other ladies in the workforce (admin), I looked too casual or something...hard too explain. I'm only 5'2" and a puff makes me look like i'm about 11......i'm 32!

lemme put it this way......if I could wiggle my nose and have a big, lush, low pony puff, I'd stay natural lol. Too bad I'm not a genie lol.

I totally feel you on this. After transistioning with braids and being natural for about 4 years, I went back to perming about 3 years ago. Most natural styles were simply too juvenile. I wish I had known about this site then.
Maybe you should wait a little longer if you are not sure. Try wigs, quick weaves, or braids. I had not had a relaxer since Nov. 02. I texturized this weekend. I am satisfied with my decision! I really liked my natural hair but I had so many knots & tangles. My hair still had a few split ends. I have had to cut off so much length because of this prob. I also know about looking young. I am 28 & I think the puffs & twists made me look under 18. I got questioned quite often regarding my age.

I now know that the key to retaining length is moisture! I now have less bulk & it does not take me 30mins to detangle. I used a regular relaxer & added conditioner to the mixture. It did not burn & my hair is still curly. I may go natural again in a few yrs.
I feel your dilemma, I often think about the same thing, but do you think you would notice much difference between a texturized and natural TWA?
Aquamarine said:
Yep, you're right there with me lol. I like you're idea. Natural is definatly where it's at for so many reasons, but I just need a little more length, sans shrinkage to get me over my styling hump....then I'll transistion again within a few months. NOW I see why people transistion! I've always been one to just do the big chop at about 1 week after re-touch time with no hesistation, to get to the promised land quickly....then I'd look in the mirror and slap a wig on after my < one inch of hair didn't frame my face lol. What was the point of me doing the big chop if I felt uncomfortable wearing my short hair outside???? oy. I give major credit to the ladies that are rocking the twa and looking good! I admire the confidence : ))

btw, thank you all for your insight. Can't wait to start my own photo album.

Yah, BC'd in Nov.. and I've worn a baseball hat almost every single day since then.. no lie!! I think I've not worn a hat like 3 times and that's it.. I'm getting sick of wearing the hat everyday.. but I just hate the shrinkage.. love my curls.. but hate the shrinkage.. I think I'm gonna get that Jazma.. I'll feel alot better being able to show my hair rather than hide it..and then just go natural from there after I get more length.. I think I'll be ALOT happier!
Will my natural ladies please step away from the texturizer? Pretty please.

As someone who is transitioning from a texturizer, let me tell you that it's not always a picnic. First, you have little idea what your hair is going to turn out like. For those who do not have natural curls, there is no guarantee that you're going to have them if you texturize. Maybe you will; maybe you won't. Also sometimes a texturizer can elongate your curls too much so that you can't really do anything with your hair besides wear it in a wash n go or wear it straight. I couldn't do any cute curly updos or anything like that. The curls would fall straight out. I also couldn't do any kind of two strand twist or flat twists. They wouldn't stay in. When it's time to touch up, you have to be very careful not to overprocess or underprocess your hair. Do it wrong and you could have a disaster on your hands. I was lucky and never overprocessed but I underprocessed on occasion.

In a perfect world, a texturizer gives you the advantages of rocking a more natural look and give you the versality of a relaxer. The reality is that you don't know until it's done. There's some texturized ladies who can't rock a straight style. Their hair puffs up immediately and won't get relaxer straight. And some who don't get curls or have curls that are too loose to experiement with different styles. It's a gamble really.

My advice to the newly natural is to do what you can to embrace your natural hair for at least a year. Give yourself and you hair time to adjust to the changes that are going on. Once that year is up, then decide if you're happy with your natural hair or if you want to consider getting a texturizer or being fully relaxed. I do have to say that I would not recommend getting a texturizer only to help transition back to natural hair. I'm doing it now. It's not fun. It's not making things any easier and it's not helping reduce my shrinkage at all. I will say that it is easier to transition out of a texturizer than it was to transition from a relaxer like I did the first time. But if you're natural now, stick with it. Get a cute curly wig or weave and rock that for a minute if you want longer curly hair. But give your natural hair a chance before you explore other options.
Very well said, ITA.
Tai said:
Will my natural ladies please step away from the texturizer? Pretty please.

As someone who is transitioning from a texturizer, let me tell you that it's not always a picnic. First, you have little idea what your hair is going to turn out like. For those who do not have natural curls, there is no guarantee that you're going to have them if you texturize. Maybe you will; maybe you won't. Also sometimes a texturizer can elongate your curls too much so that you can't really do anything with your hair besides wear it in a wash n go or wear it straight. I couldn't do any cute curly updos or anything like that. The curls would fall straight out. I also couldn't do any kind of two strand twist or flat twists. They wouldn't stay in. When it's time to touch up, you have to be very careful not to overprocess or underprocess your hair. Do it wrong and you could have a disaster on your hands. I was lucky and never overprocessed but I underprocessed on occasion.

In a perfect world, a texturizer gives you the advantages of rocking a more natural look and give you the versality of a relaxer. The reality is that you don't know until it's done. There's some texturized ladies who can't rock a straight style. Their hair puffs up immediately and won't get relaxer straight. And some who don't get curls or have curls that are too loose to experiement with different styles. It's a gamble really.

My advice to the newly natural is to do what you can to embrace your natural hair for at least a year. Give yourself and you hair time to adjust to the changes that are going on. Once that year is up, then decide if you're happy with your natural hair or if you want to consider getting a texturizer or being fully relaxed. I do have to say that I would not recommend getting a texturizer only to help transition back to natural hair. I'm doing it now. It's not fun. It's not making things any easier and it's not helping reduce my shrinkage at all. I will say that it is easier to transition out of a texturizer than it was to transition from a relaxer like I did the first time. But if you're natural now, stick with it. Get a cute curly wig or weave and rock that for a minute if you want longer curly hair. But give your natural hair a chance before you explore other options.
That was very well said Tai..but I still think I'm gonna get one.. I just am going to be doing a Wash and Wear and that's it.. otherwise..If I don't get one.. I'll be keeping this hat on for several more months and I'm sick of wearing the hat..I just think for's a better alternative.. I'm not going to be doing any cute updos or anything..just maybe a headband or a ponytail..but that's it.. You are right what you said though.. but I'm just prolly not gonna listen..:lol: sorry..:lol:
Tai, I loved that post--very well said. :) I'm all for finding ways to work with your hair so I guess you can tell what my vote will be. Twas do grow out, you just need to feel beautiful being you. If your cut is not flattering to your face, maybe you just need to go to someone who specializes in natural hair and will trim it in a way that will be flattering...or perhaps a slight color change would spice things up (henna is a natural alternative).

Off topic: I was looking through a friends old album the other night, and her family is Nigerian...the amount of women with closely shaven heads was amazing, and goregous. Mind you the pics were old, so who knows how it is in that town today but it was cute to see that many girls sporting their hair like that.

If you wake up wanting everyday for your natural hair to do something it doesn't do naturally (like not shrink) then you will have issues, but see if you can work through those issues before going back to relaxers. :)
Ladies, life is short. You have to do what's going to make you happy. If texturizing will brighten your day in the least little way, I say do it.
Aquamarine said:
lemme put it this way......if I could wiggle my nose and have a big, lush, low pony puff, I'd stay natural lol. Too bad I'm not a genie lol.
Your hair will not grow instantly overnight. If you give it time and not watch your hair grow, you will have a "big, lush, low pony puff". Growing hair takes time and no one seems to have time in this microwave society.
tropicexotic said:
If you wake up wanting everyday for your natural hair to do something it doesn't do naturally (like not shrink) then you will have issues, but see if you can work through those issues before going back to relaxers. :)

Well put, I couldn't have said it better myself..
RushGirl said:
That was very well said Tai..but I still think I'm gonna get one.. I just am going to be doing a Wash and Wear and that's it.. otherwise..If I don't get one.. I'll be keeping this hat on for several more months and I'm sick of wearing the hat..I just think for's a better alternative.. I'm not going to be doing any cute updos or anything..just maybe a headband or a ponytail..but that's it.. You are right what you said though.. but I'm just prolly not gonna listen..:lol: sorry..:lol:
If that is all you are going to do, then you can really do it without the texturizer. Do you just want more of a 3ish look? The tex. may or may not give you that look.
ThickHair said:
If that is all you are going to do, then you can really do it without the texturizer. Do you just want more of a 3ish look? The tex. may or may not give you that look.

I'm already a 3c.. I just think I'll be happier with one.. with my hair being shorter.. if it was alot longer.. it would be different..but for now.. I'm just sick of wearing this hat everyday.. it's going to be summer soon and I would love something different than the same ole hat wearing thing.. I just want the curls stretched out so it appears longer.. my hair is not difficult to deal with at all.. it's not thick and unmanageable or anything like that.. just too short for me with the shinkage..
I have had it both ways: texturized and natural. And I prefer my natural hair. I have to agree 200% with what the other ladies have said. With my text. hair I could not wear twists and my hair was not wash-n-go. I either could flat twist it for a twist out look or braid it for braid-outs. In order to wear it straight I had to roller-set it AND blow-it out. I currently have 10-12 inches of natural hair BUT I am used to having about 16-18 inches of hair. I am not happy with my length now, but next year I will be. If you are used to having long hair, I find that after you have been natural for about 3 years, you should have enough length to feel good about wearing your hair out. Look at all the ladies here with nice long natural hair, most have been natural for about 3 years or more. See if you can last that long without getting the text., I think you will be happy then. Until then, I would highly suggest that you wear braids or protective styles before you do something that you may regret later. I kick myself for doing that texturizer!! :mad: I would have 4 years worth of growth...oh well I can't dwell on that. I have made it this far and I do not want another texturizer.
I hear ya, RushGirl. I'm gonna get a wash and wear myself. I really don't care for twists and such. I can't wait.

Hey, if you get a text and don't like it, you can ALWAYS go back. It's not like it's permanent...

Wash n go or else if you just need a break, do a weave if you dont mind them. Or you can do cornrows with extensions added. Anything to give your hair time to grow out more and give you a break. You dont want to decide out of boredom to do something to your hair. Do it when you know exactly what you want :). HTH -- jainygirl
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TigerLily said:
I hear ya, RushGirl. I'm gonna get a wash and wear myself. I really don't care for twists and such. I can't wait.

Hey, if you get a text and don't like it, you can ALWAYS go back. It's not like it's permanent...

Exactly..I'm not gonna do it forever.. just for maybe even just a year.. year and a half.. I'm not into braids, twists, etc.. I just want a wash and go kinda thing and that's it..I can't braid or twist anyway..:lol: I'm a very low maintence kinda person.. obviously since I wear a damn hat everday.. I just want to just wash my hair everyday like now and put some ish in it and go.. instead of doing the same thing and putting a hat on before I go. I just think I'll be alot happier.. I understand what thickness said.. but I can't wear a hat for 3 years.. that would be crazy...:lol:

When are you getting yours done??
Aquamarine said:
Well first off, MKstar, lemme say that your hair is gorgeous!

I do wear my hair in a wash and go right now, as I did in the past....but I don't feel as 'put togther' as I should. Last year, I was totally into the whole neo-hippy vibe and that was cool. My basic natural style, following a morning condition/wash or mist, was to pick it out and put on a scarf and let the scarf hang down my back. So simple. I loved that look then, but I began to notice that, compared to some other ladies in the workforce (admin), I looked too casual or something...hard too explain. I'm only 5'2" and a puff makes me look like i'm about 11......i'm 32!

lemme put it this way......if I could wiggle my nose and have a big, lush, low pony puff, I'd stay natural lol. Too bad I'm not a genie lol.

Thanks :)

I think Tai gave you some great advice and I agree with her. I don't think a texturizer is going make you any happier...

and as for whoever said most natural styles are juvenile...puh-lease. i know that's your opinion or your experience, but it's really insulting to those of use who rock our natural hair all day everyday PROUDLY.

anyway, i think the real problem is lots of women go natural and expect UNREALISTIC things from their hair and then run back to chemicals for the "answer". but the answer, in my opinion, is learning to work with what you've got.
RushGirl said:
Exactly..I'm not gonna do it forever.. just for maybe even just a year.. year and a half.. I'm not into braids, twists, etc.. I just want a wash and go kinda thing and that's it..I can't braid or twist anyway..:lol: I'm a very low maintence kinda person.. obviously since I wear a damn hat everday.. I just want to just wash my hair everyday like now and put some ish in it and go.. instead of doing the same thing and putting a hat on before I go. I just think I'll be alot happier.. I understand what thickness said.. but I can't wear a hat for 3 years.. that would be crazy...:lol:

When are you getting yours done??

I'll probably get mine done sometime next month. I'm gonna get a New Era bodywave. It's not as strong as a Wave Nouveau.
mkstar826 said:
anyway, i think the real problem is lots of women go natural and expect UNREALISTIC things from their hair and then run back to chemicals for the "answer". but the answer, in my opinion, is learning to work with what you've got.

I have to agree with Mkstar on this one. One of the reasons that I'm doing such a long transition is that I know myself. I can't handle short hair or even better yet, I don't want to handle short hair. I already know that shrinkage is going to be so real for me. I will have at least 50% shrinkage. For my hair to be shoulder length curly, it will have to be bra strap stretched. I know that now, way before I'm willing to BC. So I'm going the long route to avoid becoming frustrated later.

For those who have decided to do a texturizer, good luck. I hope you get the results you desire and the look that you're after. Get a good consultation before you go and try and see pics of other texturizers they've done on people with your hair type. For my type 3 sistas, be careful that they don't take out too much curl, which is easy to do with our hair type.
I agree that if you're on the fence about a texturizer, you should wait a while and think about it. If you still want to do it in another few months, then go for it. But just give it some thought, b/c you don't want to end up back to square one. I've seen some beautiful texturized heads, and some really overprocessed ones, liek Tai said, there's no guarantee as to what you'll get.

To the ladies having trouble w/ shrinkage, unfortunately, it is a reality w/ natural hair. I've struggle w/ shrinkage since I cut off my relaxed ends in December, and I was really thinking about texturizing myself. But I'm concerned with loosing my curl definition, and having to start all over. :ohwell: I will say that there's light at the end of the tunnel though: the shrinkage is much more managable as your hair gets longer b/c the length weighs it down. Then once it's dry, you can stretch it out w/ a diffuser. I did that last night w/ AMAZING results. (I'll post pics tomorrow). In the end, do what you want, b/c you have to be happy w/ your hair, but natural hair is definitely a lesson in patience. :yep:
Tai said:
I have to agree with Mkstar on this one. One of the reasons that I'm doing such a long transition is that I know myself. I can't handle short hair or even better yet, I don't want to handle short hair. I already know that shrinkage is going to be so real for me. I will have at least 50% shrinkage. For my hair to be shoulder length curly, it will have to be bra strap stretched. I know that now, way before I'm willing to BC. So I'm going the long route to avoid becoming frustrated later.

For those who have decided to do a texturizer, good luck. I hope you get the results you desire and the look that you're after. Get a good consultation before you go and try and see pics of other texturizers they've done on people with your hair type. For my type 3 sistas, be careful that they don't take out too much curl, which is easy to do with our hair type.

That is my problem..I should have transitioned ALOT longer..but I was dealing with this 3c CURLY new growth hair..and BONE STRAIGHT relaxed hair.. I don't know how to braid, twist, etc..and I was so sick of dealing with the two when she told me that I should just cut off the relaxed ends..I did.. then I came home and washed my hair like 5 times thinking it would come I'm just sick of wearing this damn hat.. after some of this scab hair is cut will even be shorter..... I just think I'll be alot happier.. it's gotta look better than wearing a hat everday..:lol: I'm not gonna let her take out alot of curl.. but maybe half of it? I don't know..I have no hair is just so curly so the shrinkage is a big deal!!! I'm really sick of the short hair.. and this damn hat.. I'm gonna try to get mine done sunday or monday..