Hair Update


New Member
Okay ladies, I've done the unthinkable. As you all know I was having some problems with some breakage since my last relaxer. I chalked it up tp protein overload and cut back. Since then my hair stopped breaking as much, but was still a little more breakage than what I was used to. My hair had been seriously underprocessed. Yesterday I got so fed up with my hair that I called my stylist for a touch-up. My last relaxer was 3 weeks ago. Needless to say she didn't have anything available any time soon. So what did I do? I carried my fast self to the BSS and purchased some revlon realistic lye relaxer. Today I went ahead and put it on. I was done with the application in 9 min and some change and went back and smoothed it over for another 7 min.

The result: my hair seems to have straightened out a little more than it was before, but still has curl to it. Am happy I did this? For now I am. I lost less than 10 strands through the whole process. I guess I'm happy, but my hair still isn't the way I want it be. I've added 2 photos to my picturetrail album. I seriously need to trim some inches off my hair but I'm not ready yet. Hopefully once I get to the bottom of bra-strap (don't know when that will be), I will even the hair up then. to be totally honest, I'm getting a lil tired of this hair stuff. I thought I would have been at brastrap a long time ago and my hair is not looking the way I want it to. the next time, I'm leaving the relaxer for 25 min from start to finish.

PS. Beana, please don't kill me. I know I just told you not to do exactly what I just did and I still don't recommend it. I just got very frustrated and caved in
wow it seems a bit close. did you do a treatment to your hair afterwards? i was looking into realistic is that the one in the grey box? i think curlycrl(SP?) recommended it. hair can be so frustrating. thats why i love braids and those hair pieces and stuff so you dont have to think about it for a while. God bless you all.
Oh my! I hope everything turns out ok!!!! This better be your only slip up or we will have to
you. I think a combination between your personal life (a lot of exercising and stress) and LOOOOONNNGG winter has done a toll on everyone's hair. Think about it the longer your hair is the more fragile it is since it is "older" hair.

I am learning to not depend on the relaxer so much. Since you are so active why don't u wear your hair in twists outs and curly? That way you win twofold....less manipulation and you won't have to comb or fuss with it.

Girl I don't know if the relaxer was the solution. Maybe you should get your hair professionally rollerset to help with the straightness.

Be careful you don't want all your hard work to go down the drain.
Armyqt, sorry to hear about your hair drama, but I think you'll be fine with the re-touch so soon because you had protein overload, your hair was dry but also strengthened. To eliminate breakage, just pamper your hair from this point on and condition, condition, condition. You will be okay. Remember Spring and Summer are the growing seasons anything is possible, your brastrap length is just around the corner - no giving up!!

Best to you girl and give me a report on how your daughter's hair is doing with the Hennalucent. Peace...
Well Armyqt I just looked at your pictures and I honestly do not see anything wrong with your hair. It looks thick but but that is a good thing right?
I can sympathize with u however becuase when I was experimenting with the lye perms I coudl not get the curl out of my hair and I relaxed close togetehr just as u did.
Let me encourage you, i got a trim and started fresh with my roller sets and I LOVE MY HAIR NOW. I ahve learned that fro me less is more with my hair. When I was washing every 2 to 3 days I got alot of length but ti was thin and stringy but now that I am doing it once a week and pretty much leaving it alone...I have regained my thickness and my length is coming back too. I will be posting pics next week.
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Tonya said:
Well Armyqt I just looked at your pictures and I honestly do not see anything wrong with your hair. It looks thick but but that is a good thing right?

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I was thinking the same thing. Just continue to give your hair lots of tlc. It looks like it's going to be fine. Please keep us posted.
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pebbles said:

Your hair looks good to me too!

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I 2nd that!! Armyqt, your hair looks pretty girl. Don't worry yourself about the bs'll come...just wait, u'll see.

God Bless
Your hair grew (could you imagine how long it would be if it weren't underprocessed, my guess its VERY close to that bra strap
) Hang in there, it's still beautiful and thick.
Hey I have been thinking about you! I felt so bad for you after your last post. I think your hair looks great. I wish I had your length.
I think you hair looks healthy! Wish I had your thickness and length.
Your really close to bra strap length now! Just hold out.

armyqt, thanks for the pics. I think your hair looks wonderful! You really are like 1 inch from brastrap, you'll be there inno time. I got a 1.5 trim yesterday, and my hair looks a lot better! I'm not even missing the length because i know i did something both necessary and good for my hair. Your hair is sooo thick
, i love it!

And about the relaxer, i think your hair will be able to bounce back with no problems. I used Loreal unfrizz smothing condit last night and it really smoothed my hair like nothing else! I think i'll be ableto make it to at least weeek 7 with this. Maybe you should try that and see how it works.. you are making lots of progress believe me!
I third that motion. I see no difference from both pictures. Don't let that discourage you, Armyqt. Just take extra TLC, and your hair will be normal again.
Gurl just what are you talking about? Your hair is beautiful and you are soooo close to bra strap length. Just hang in there because I can't wait for us to tell you "see? told ya so"
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pebbles said:

Your hair looks good to me too!

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I agree
Thanks ladies for all the positive encouragement. You all know tht we can be our OWN biggest critics
. I guess the disappointment for me is that I projected that I would be brastrap by Dec 02. That didn't happen and I feel it's a direct result of the underprocessing. I have a goos handle on that now.

From now on I will be using regular strength relaxers and leaving it on from 20-25 min. My hair today looks sooo much better since I re-relaxed it. Today I washed it (I had to) with Elucence Moisture balancing Shampoo and conditioned with my Tropical Avocado. My hair felt like silk. And while it still has wave to it when wet, it's not like it was before. And the biggest thing is, when I combed through my hair, NOT ONE STRAND CAME OUT
. anyway, I did a clear colorshines and followed up with the Lafier rinse. I'm sitting under the dryer right now waiting for my hair to dry. I used some of the Lafier for the rollerset.

Overall, I'm am happy that I redid my hair cause as you can tell, it was really starting to bum me out with this whole hair thing.
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azul11 said:
wow it seems a bit close. did you do a treatment to your hair afterwards? i was looking into realistic is that the one in the grey box? i think curlycrl(SP?) recommended it. hair can be so frustrating. thats why i love braids and those hair pieces and stuff so you dont have to think about it for a while. God bless you all.

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Azul, I used the one in the red and white box. After I neutralized I used my Elucence Extended Repair Moisture treatment mixed with Mizani Moisturfuse (lazy) and sat under the dryer for 30 min. My hair came out very soft.
Just the other day I was browsing in the "Feature of the MOnth" section of the forum and Armyqt you have a beautiful head of hair! Cheer up. It'll all come back before you know it. Summertime is right around the corner and we all know hair can grow like a weed during this time of the year

As for you caving in by relaxing before your scheduled time, if you are happy with your results then don't worry about it. Just make sure to really condition your hair, and I believe everything will be fine
I agree with the ladies you are sooo close to bra-strap your like a step away. I wouldn't even it out now if I were you, take form my experience just do dusting trimms and continue your regime and your hair will be BS very soon when you get to your goal then get it evened out.
Thanks Lucia, I appreciate the encouragement on the trimming thing. I was starting to feel a il guilty for trying to hold to "less than perfect ends"
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Well Armyqt I just looked at your pictures and I honestly do not see anything wrong with your hair. It looks thick but but that is a good thing right?

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smile.gif has grown a LOT!
I would just give it good moisturizing considtioners now since too much protein makes it shed.