Hair Update - Claiming BSB =)


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

I have been around the board now for just a little bit over a year. I joined in June 09 and never looked back. I just wanted to share my progress with you all and say THANK YOU for opening my eyes to healthy hair care practices. I am SO eternally grateful! I flat ironed last night and decided to take some pictures & thought...why not share an update? :grin:

I'm nowhere near finished and my ultimate goal is waist length...BUT, I am enjoying the journey.

Here goes...

This is December 08. Fully engaged in hair hari kari.... daily heat, bleach...the works. you can even see the broken off piece sticking up a la dennis the menace in the back a little bit.... oy...


This is March of 09...I had JUST started lurking maybe the day prior... this picture is where I was at. I had gone a little darker and had some pink oil "moisturizer" in my hair... I know, I know...


This is July 09. Hair started growing a little bit and I stopped murdering it with heat on a daily basis. Starting to see a bit of a turnaround here.

july length check.jpg

Below is December of 09. My hair definitely grew but I wasn't really trimming and my hair still had some porosity issues that I was figuring out.


Here I am in August of 10 with my curly look. Feeling more confident rocking it when I go out on the town with my friends!


It only lets me post 5 pics per to be continued with the next post.
Wonderful results. Looks full and healthy. I can definitely see major progress with each picture. I am just starting my journey and your journey is encouraging. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations on all of your progress.
Here is part 2 :grin:

Here is the bun I wear daily.


and this is today... my flat ironed...what looks to be BSB hair from the back. I henna'ed so it looks a tinge reddish...


Front view from my cell phone. I'm at work...



Thank You! My hubby and friends all know my hair is my hobby now!!!! =) You have beautiful hair - I love your natural twists!
You have beautiful hair - I love your natural twists!

ROFL - Thank You. That is the 1st time in my life anyone has said that to me so going to frame it.

My hair seems to be my hobby at the moment, more like an obsession. So I know the feeling.
ROFL - Thank You. That is the 1st time in my life anyone has said that to me so going to frame it.

My hair seems to be my hobby at the moment, more like an obsession. So I know the feeling.

It's an obsession for me too. I've always had broken off and crispy when all I've ever wanted was full and lush!!! LOL
wow AMAZING results!
you HAVE TO post your reggie! how often to you henna what products are you using? are you wet bunning everday? relax? lol I need to know everything! please post it!
wow AMAZING results!
you HAVE TO post your reggie! how often to you henna what products are you using? are you wet bunning everday? relax? lol I need to know everything! please post it!

Thanks!! I've been all over the place with my regimen but lately I've been keeping it simple. I workout everyday so I co-wash every morning and then a 30 second roux porosity control rinse. Then I use kccc gel and scrunch, airdry til about 75 percent and throw it in a bun or a high ponytail. I deep condition with a protein based conditioner (kenra shea reconstructor 1x a week) and a moisturizing deep condish 1x a week (usually giovanni deeper moisture or yes to carrots moisturizing mud mask). I just started henna'ing last week. I used Reshma blended with cranberry juice and brewed coffee. I love it!! I am now a henna head. I also get my ends clipped only once a year by a friend that I trust. I am texlaxed. =)
What awesome progress! How does the roux porosity control help you?
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What awesome progress! How does the roux porosity control help you?

Thank you! The roux porosity helped my hair lose it's "crispy". My hair is able to remain moisturized for much longer now. Before it would dry out soooo badly within just an hour or two of moisturizing it.
Thank you! The roux porosity helped my hair lose it's "crispy". My hair is able to remain moisturized for much longer now. Before it would dry out soooo badly within just an hour or two of moisturizing it.

Do you remember how long after you started using it, you felt you had noticeable changes?
I would say within the first 3 or 4 uses (I use it daily) I really noticed a major difference in my hair remaining moisturized.

Thanks I just used it for the 1st time last week. It's helpful to have a gauge on when I may expect results.

Looking forward to your next progress pictures.