Hair Typing


New Member
I was wondering if you ladies could help me out. I am trying to figure out what my hair type is. I do not have a picture to put up because I have braids in at the moment, but I can try to decribe it, if that will help a little. I thought I was 4a after looking a someone's hair and then maybe 4b and even sometimes maybe 3c. I am 22 weeks post relaxer so I have a little new growth. When my hair is wet the new growth looks wavy, not curly and when it dries it's poufy and frizzy, but if I flaten it out at the center part with my hand the roots are still wavy. I am not sure if anyone can help at all with this little bit of information,but anyone who can will be greatly appreciated.:)
Hey girl! Firstly, welcome to LHCF!!! :D

Hmm, well hair typing is a tricky thing. Many of us actually have a combination of different textures in our hair. In your case, I would suggest that, since you have braids now, you wait until you get an inch or so of new growth..... and then post pics for us to see. Perhaps we can help you then. Its really hard to tell by just a verbal description. :) HTH!!!

Happy Hair Growing, girl!!!! ;)
Welcome to LHCF! :)
I think Kinikakes recommendation is a good one. Wait until you have a little more new growth and then show us a picture.
Ok I've taken out my braids so maybe this picture will help. My avatar is my hair. I took this right after I had taken out my braids and combed it out. Sorry I don't have a bigger pic I couldn't figure out how to post.