Hair Typing for permed hair?


Active Member
Hello ladies,
I am brand new to this site and I am trying to learn all the terms and acronyms. The hair type chart that I googled on black hair media is for natural hair and I really can't recall what my hair looks like in its natural state.:perplexed Is there a way to tell your type if your hair is permed?
Islandspyce, not really.:ohwell:
If your really interested to know you hair type, you can analyze your newgrowth after about a month or longer and see what its closest to after washing. I personally think hair typing is more important for naturals/texturized people. I find with my permed 4a hair it acts nothing like my 4a natural hair, so conditioners that I loved then are sort of different now, and even 4a naturals find their hair likes different things. It helps to get a general idea of products and methods but is definitely not the be all end all key to understanding your hair.