Hair type?


Well-Known Member
I hate asking this question because I don't know if anyone can really pinpoint hair types, and even if so, what difference it makes is questionable in my mind.

HOWEVER... I'm also curious with all the talk about hair types. Can't be helped. :grin:

Here is the curliest portion of my hair. It is all natural. No product. About 90 percent air dried. Can anyone identify my type?

Thanks in advance.


  • curliest.jpg
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Ooops! And... how on earth do you define it? I'd consider a BC if I thought I could make those curls look less fuzzy. I still like them though!
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i'm not sure but maybe 4a and i'm *no* expert. i'm responding because i hate seeing threads with lotsa views, but no responses...hope others chime in soon!
i'm not sure but maybe 4a and i'm *no* expert. i'm responding because i hate seeing threads with lotsa views, but no responses...hope others chime in soon!

LOL. Thanks. I knew a few people would be merciful.

Sorry about the bad pic. I just don't do well taking pictures myself and there's no one around here right now except the dog.

4a is cool. :) I like what others do with their 4a hair. :)
Could be 4a, but we really need clearer better shots then that love...... sorry I wasn't able to tell you this time round.....but no worries you can PM me again when you take clearer pix:yep:....also the pictures dont have to be super close up, you can extend your arm a bit too so we can see the hair in a size and proportion thats true to real life and not zoomed in.