Hair type?


Active Member
Ladies, please help me with my hair type. I thought I was a 3c but after rereading the description, there is no way I can be a 3c. I am leaning toward a 2c. My siggy shows how it looks when it is wet. The middle pic is when it is dry with no product and no comb. Please note that when I dry it in a ponytail with little to no product, it dries completely straight, even at the root. Strange, I know. And the third pic is the wave pattern with product. I am natural of course. . .
Pokahontas said:
Hmmm....hard to tell, maybe 3b but that's just a guess. 2b would be a lot straighter but have big waves. Maybe this will help Are you 100% natural or possibly have heat damage? It looks like your ends are straighter.
100% natural. I did the bc 2 yrs and 3 months ago (before I knew what a bc was). There may be some heat damage now that I think of it. One time I straightedned my hair and now there is just this one little piece (the one you see on the pic) that won't cure or nap back up. It's kinda long so I don't wanna cut it off yet. I've seen someone here express concern with straightening for the very same reason. I probably straighten my hair 3 times a year. Other than that no heat.
Ok, I see. I've had heat damage before and my hair wouldn't curl in some spots. I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in and help you with your hair type.
Pokahontas said:
Hmmm....hard to tell, maybe 3b but that's just a guess. 2b would be a lot straighter but have big waves. Maybe this will help Are you 100% natural or possibly have heat damage? It looks like your ends are straighter.
Ahhhh, checked the site and I see what you are saying. Maybe 3b. Oh and also my ends look a little more straight than they actually are because it is literally dripping wet on the pic. Ends might be weighted down with water. Thanks for the info.
StrawberryQueen said:
The pics of your dry hair w/o product looks like 4a to me. Wet looks like 3b.

Do you have any bigger pics?
I don't have any bigger pics right now. It tends to dry in a corkscrew pattern without product and no combing. In this pic the curls around the breakage had been combed out so I could make that pathetic little ponytail. . .does that help?