Hair type & twist out or bantu knots


Can someone please tell me if the type of hair you have affect a twistout or bantu knot? What type am I? This is my hair dry with no product & I tried a twist out last week on freshley wahsed hair. I put a little leave in condish (african pride) some shea butter just a dab & used lustra silk curl pudding. Sat under the dryer for 45 min (that's all I could do) and then air dried the rest of the night. Any who let's just say it did not come out so good @ all. Does the type of hair determine a good twistout? Can I do bantu knots and if so what do I use? What am I doing wrong? I'm so lost & don't know what 2 do with my hair. Its so frustrating but I know I can do this & not give up. Below are picks of dry hair & wet hair with some leave in condish & eco styling gel. Please help with hair syles...TIA ladies!

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Hey HairPleezeGrow! In my opinion yes your hair type does affect how your twist out will look BUT so does a lot of other things such as the type of products you use and your technique. A 4b haired natural doing a twist out on wet hair is going to have a much more defined look compared to a 3a haired natural doing a dry twist out. I see in your siggy it says that you're transitioning. Are you looking for a really defined twist out? If so, the relaxed ends could be the reason you're not getting the results you're looking for.

TaylorT thank u 4 responding. Umm yeah I still have some str8 ends in the front but I so don't want to cut that part off yet. My natural hair in that area isn't as long as the rest of my natural hair and not as long as I would like it to be to feel comfortable with that portion that short. But its not just that area that doesn't look like the pics I have seen on here its the whole thing. Maybe my hair just isn't long enough for a decent twistout. Yeah I get what your saying about product & technique. I am trying to get a really defined twist out or bantu knots but do u think its possible with my hair & what should I use or do? Any more thoughts on this ladies?
Bumping for more responses. Come on ladies help the hair challenged out with any tips or suggestions!

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I think it does make a difference. My hair hates the traditional twistout. They end up being flat and blah with absolutely NO definition. On the other hand, two-strand flat twists (on my scalp like a cornrow) work really well for my hair. Maybe you could try doing flat twists and then putting a bantu know at at the end of each twist.

Here is my method:

Wash and condition hair
Apply leave-in conditioner and detangle
Separate hair one section at a time from forehead to nape
Apply a dab of ecostyler gel to the section and twist all the way back
Bantu knot the ends and secure with a bobbypin
Repeat for 6-7 sections (from ear to ear). It will look like you have cornrows

I let this set over night and undo my twists in the morning (I usually untwist with a light oil like coconut oil to reduce frizziness).

I hope this makes sense . . . I will look for some pics.

Ok, the first photo is my twistout with bantu knot at the end. It is not the best pic, but it is the only one I could find. The second pic is my hair dry with no product. Again, not the best picture, but it can give you some idea of my hair type...GOOD LUCK!


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CurlyLawGal thank you 4 responding and your hair looks gorgeous! Yes ma'am that's exactly what I am looking for in my twistouts. Just beautiful ma'am. I will try your suggestions.

Come on ladies any more pics of twist outs & bantu knot styles? And also how you achieved the look!
You could try curling the straight ends with perm rods for a more uniform look. That is what I did when I was transitioning. I also used to comb my twistouts to make my hair fuller looking; still do sometimes even though my hair is entirely natural now. As for bantu knots, they straighten out my natural curl pattern so I don't do them.

For my twistouts, I just use a leave-in on wet hair - Cantu Shea Butter and Giovanni are my preferred choices - and dry under a bonnet or air dry if there's time. I have type 3 hair.
Miss*Tress thank u. I never thought of curling the ends with perm rods. I'm going to try you guys ideas & hopefully I will have some wonderful pics to show for it. Can someone explain to me more of the typing? I thought it meant the texture of the hair but now I dunno what it means? So frustrating! Anybody got any info on hair typing that is in simple terms lol?
As others have said I think it is a combination of both the hair type and the method that affects the results. I was able to achieve nice twist outs even while transitioning, I just had to curl the ends. They didn't last as long without retwisting as they do now but I'm completely natural.

I would say try different methods and products. For example with me I cannot do a twist out on wet hair b/c it takes far too long for my hair to dry so damp hair works best.

Try to find some videos on YT with people whose hair is similar to yours. But I think with a bit of trial and error you can find what works for you.
For me, when I first began my hair journey (Feb 11) I had a a-line hair cut and twist outs were the only thing I could wear because my hair was relaxed and it wasnt strong enough for thr bantu knot outs and caused major breaking, plus I wanted to cold turkey the heat cause I was using it on a daily basis :nono:. I would wash my hair, apply the leave-ins and also add 100% aloe vera gel to hold them because again I was relaxed bone straight and my hair was in a wonky stage. I also found it better to do two-strand flat twists to my hair...I tried the single twists and it was a HUGE FAIL :nono::nono:
Thanks ladies for all your advice. I think I'm going to give it a try this weekend & c how it turns out on damp hair with rollers on the ends. Hopefully I will get a great look doing the flat twist & sleep over night with them

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