Hair Type, Retention & Styling HELP!!


Active Member
SO i forgot my password for a while a I've been lurking at work!:lachen: but I am back ( WAHOO). Still I consider myself a newbie. ....So I'm not sure how much length I've gotten in a year (that's how long it's been) but as my hair grows I am notice a change in the texture. Does this happen to all naturals?!

Anywho, I want to use styling products and moisturizing products for my hair, but I have NO clue what type it is. I initially thought 4a and 3c, but the crown doesn't curl at all, it frizzes and waves. I was thinking 3b and 3c? Someone, anyone, please help.:wallbash: I have a lot of frizz at the roots and on top, but the back is full of luscious shiny curls!! IS anyone else having this issue? By the way, my hair is somewhat fine(the strands) and cottony feeling...



I need whatever help I can get on styling and length retention. I NEED to be APL by Graduation! (December 2009) :grin:THANKS!! oh yeah, more pix are in album also

Your hair Type:

Product suggestions:

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my hair is 3c/4a as well, but the crown does the same thing. most naturals have that. its just that one patch lol. i LOVE Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Cream Conditioner as a leave-in (the rinse-out one) and raw unrefined shea butter to seal. i cowash with suave tropical coconut.

for styling, i am all about buns for retention. but so i do not have constant stress on my edges, when i cowash, i set the hair in 2 pocahontas braids.
I have nothing to add except that you have beautiful hair.
My hair also has that same rough patch in the middle. It frizzes at the drop of a dime.:spinning:
Girl, you have some beautiful hair. I can't say what type it is. It looks like 3c to me.

Ok, the texture change you're noticing may be happening because you're gaining length and your hair is stretching out and getting heavier. I wouldn't worry about it.

The frizzy patch in your crown is a pretty common thing for naturals. Personally, I think it's exacerbated by pulling it back a lot with head bands, pins, and whatever else while it's wet. It constantly gets stretched out and isn't able to retain its texture.

So what kind of styles are you trying to do? If you want to retain length by december you'll need to protect your ends. I say make sure you're dcing often, keeping your hair moisturized, and keeping your ends stretched out.

You may want to check out and look at her Twist&Curl. Also, has a lot of great style posts. I find that most people use conditioner or moisturizer and oil to set their styles on damp/wet hair. I'm partial to conditioner (4a/b) and I use Whole Foods brand conditioner or Oyin Honey Hemp.
hmm, only problem is when I twist my hair, the twists never stay. I think my ends are too straight, so I always have to braid them. (no twistouts for me unless I rubber band the ends). Thanks so much for the responses Ladies!!

Bumping for more anwers!!
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hmm, only problem is when I twist my hair, the twists never stay. I think my ends are too straight, so I always have to braid them. (no twistouts for me unless I rubber band the ends). Thanks so much for the responses Ladies!!

Bumping for more anwers!!

Well then the twist & curl would work perfectly for you I bet. It's basically twists with rollers on the ends. You should check it out.