Hair Treatment Weirdness


Kitchen Mixtress
To be fair, I didn't do a search on this topic before creating this thread. But I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced unexpected/unpleasant/weird results from a hair treatment.

So, I've been a henna head for almost 2 years now. I love it. But henna often reacts with my hair/body chemistry, and after about 6 hours, it smells like I dumped barbecue sauce on my head. DH and BFF confirm. (Along with some unwitting close relatives.) It's not a BAD smell, but given there's nothing in my henna mixes to make such a smell, I think this is very weird.

Also, I recently DC'd with the Nubian Heritage Tamanu deep conditioner. And while it smelled pleasant in the jar, and my hair was completely clean, after a few hours, both DH and I were wondering who had ordered that STRONG-smelling Chinese food. I was horrified to discover it was coming from my head.

The henna and DC both gave fantastic results and once I rinsed them out, my head was back to its normal, pleasant-smelling self. But I thought these "reactions" were very weird nevertheless.

Anyone else experience something similar?
Is the smell still lingering after you have rinsed? If so have you tried ACV rinse once you're done to maybe get rid of the smell? Sorry of you answered this above but I didn't see it.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
No. The smells only persist while the treatment is in my hair.
The barbecue sauce and Chinese food scents smelled EXACTLY like the real thing, but only after a few hours and until I rinsed the product out.
It doesn't happen ALL the time, just sometimes. And from the same batches of product, so I can't figure out why I get weird scents sometimes but not others. The smells don't linger once rinsed so maybe it's not a huge deal.
Do you ever get any strange smell reactions from products?

Is the smell still lingering after you have rinsed?
I wouldn't think so because I use the same batches and methods but only get the strange smell reactions some of the time.
Also, other products seem to create a more pleasing smell reaction with my hair (baked goods, fruit, flowers, etc) but that makes more sense when I'm using vanilla, coconut, gardenia etc. Nothing I'm using smells anything like barbecue sauce or Chinese food before it's been applied. :-)
Have you ever had any unusual smell reactions from products?

Is the stuff going rancid. Some hair products go rancid after being out so long (and on head).
No. The smells only persist while the treatment is in my hair.
The barbecue sauce and Chinese food scents smelled EXACTLY like the real thing, but only after a few hours and until I rinsed the product out.
It doesn't happen ALL the time, just sometimes. And from the same batches of product, so I can't figure out why I get weird scents sometimes but not others. The smells don't linger once rinsed so maybe it's not a huge deal.
Do you ever get any strange smell reactions from products?

No I can't say that I have and if I did have something that smells, it smells as a whole like this darn Soultanicals marula muru I rcvd in the mail today! Can't pin point what this stuff smells like but it isn't pleasant at all.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Wow, that's weird.
The only thing I can suggest is to do a final rinse with vinegar and let air dry in the open air.