Well-Known Member
They always say good nutrition is from the inside out so here are some hair tonic recipes I found in my recipe drawer. It comes from the juicer recipe book I got when I first purchased the Juiceman Jr. YEARS ago (1997).
Dry Hair Remedy
6 carrots
5 sprigs parsley
Juice these together and drink daily to relieve dry hair
Graying Hair Refresher
3-4 inche wedge of cabbage
Handful of spinach
For flavor, add 3 carrots
Juice these items together
Hair Nutritonic
5 carrots
Handful of alfalfa sprouts
4 lettuce leaves
Juice these items together
Dry Hair Remedy
6 carrots
5 sprigs parsley
Juice these together and drink daily to relieve dry hair
Graying Hair Refresher
3-4 inche wedge of cabbage
Handful of spinach
For flavor, add 3 carrots
Juice these items together
Hair Nutritonic
5 carrots
Handful of alfalfa sprouts
4 lettuce leaves
Juice these items together