Hair thinning-Check Album


New Member
Please check my album to see the pics because in comparaison to July my ends were really thick and I don't understand why my ends are that thin. In August I had them braided until my relaxer in December. I don't use heat only when I get a relaxer and most of the time I wear my hair in a bun.

I'm hungry for any suggestions.

Right now I'm wearing twist extentions, before having theem done I did a light trim. My goal is armpit and I'm almost there but I would really like for my hair to be thicker.
pswd: quebec
Have you had a trim since July? It doesn't look like your hair is thinning to me, just that it's grown. Hair usually grows at slightly different rates throughout your head so unless it's trimmed regularly, the ends will not be as even. Looks good to me!
I just checked. Your hair looks great! And I don't see much thinning at all. I think some thinning is inevitable as the hairs at the bottom are older and more suspectable. Another consideration is that the new growth acquired while in braids will also include new hairs that broke of before. But I don't think it's noticable. If it really gets to you, you could trim it.
When I had my relaxer my last big trim was in March so nine months without a trim but I had no split ends. I guess I'll stop worrying and just let my hair grow. Thanks ladies
To me it looks like your hair grows in a V so it appear to be thinner but it really isn't. As long as your ends are healthy I wouldn't worry about. It looks like it has grown alot!
I attribute the grow to my vit that I try to take religiously and lessons that I'm still learning on this forum. Thanks :)
I think that you have some great growth going on! Like UNLV said, your hair seems to be growing in a "V," but it looks nice and healthy.
you have lovely thick hair! Your hair looks very healthy and full bodied, I really don't think you have anything to worry about. If you think your hair is thinning why don't you have a trim, it will make the ends appear thicker because it will be even them out. Happy hair growing.

I agree that your hair looks good. It is indeed growing! But as some have said, hair grows at different rates in different places, so it may not actually be thinning per se, its just that some parts are growing faster. Trimming may help, but it looks healthy so that is not a necessity. Only if you want to even it out.

On the other hand (If this does not apply, please disregard it), it could be from how you comb/brush your hair. It could be kind of snapping off in the thinner areas. Do you comb/ brush in sections? Robin Woods' (Grow Afro Hair has a combing/brushing technique that has really helped my ends. Here are two links:

Combing/Brushing in Sections

Video instructions on how to comb/brush

Hope this helps :wave:
When I looked at your album after reading your post, I was like :confused: What in the world are you talking about? Your hair doesn't look like it's thinning. It looks like it's growing out beautifully. Your hair is so thick and pretty and I'm sure that you'll be reaching your goal very soon.
Thanks you all ladies, I guess I was panicking for nothing so I'll continue with what I usually does and Song I'll check the link to help me take extra care of my ends cause I need them to reach my goal.