hair thickening tips


New Member
i fell off the lhc wagon but i'm back on again :)

i need some tips to get my hair thicker.

thanks ladies,it feels so good to be back!
I've been using castor oil in my hair and my hair is very very thick... I've been natural for about 5 months now and it takes a lot out of me to comb my hair b/c of the thickness.
Nexxus L-Cystine Treatment followed by a moisturising Conditioner has thicken my hair.
I hated it at first because it made my hair hard used too much and did not follow with a moisturised conditioner.
Castor oil work great too my friend used it along with blue magic hair grease.
Surge has strengthen my hair and less shedding.
Welcome back!

Drinking 100% carrot juice daily will thicken hair.

Taking vitamin B5 also called Pantothenic Acid (I haven't done this but I've learned it works).

If you're relaxed, stretching your relaxer results in thicker, healthier hair.

Nexxus Headress Leave-in conditioner (it's temporary though).
Most of the ones I would've suggested are already listed but here's one.

Powder hair dye - coats your hair and makes the individual hair strands thicker.
So castor oil thickens the hair??? I never heard that that a temp fix or is that an internal change.
Ok, here's another one, not really a thickening tip, but more like a preventative.
Don't leave your braids in too long, my hair looked a lot thinner after I took them out. My hair was a lot thicker before the braids.:)
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How lond did you leave your braids before you took them out? I'm interested to know cause normally I leave my braids for 3 to 4 months. I read that you suppose to redo your braids every 2 months after taking a 2 week break before braiding again
Dubois007 said:
How lond did you leave your braids before you took them out? I'm interested to know cause normally I leave my braids for 3 to 4 months. I read that you suppose to redo your braids every 2 months after taking a 2 week break before braiding again

Hi Dubois007,

I left them in for just over 3 months, about 14 weeks. I didn't treat my hair before I put the braids in and I was Surging everyday. The whole time I had the braids in my hair was very moist, but once I took them out, problems. Anyway, I noticed that the strands were also a lot thinner and felt very dry. This never happened to me before, but then again I have never had braids in for 3 months at a time. Oh, my hair grew alot but I had a lot of matting at the roots in the back (kitchen area) so I had some breakage.:(