Hair The Same Length for the Past 3+ Years...


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm normally just a lurker here, but after looking at some of my progress pics recently, I realized that my hair has been the exact same length for the past three years (maybe more than 3 years, but I don't have picture proof of that) and I need your guidance. So here I am creeping out of lurker mode....

I'll try to keep it short. I've been natural for several years (yeah, I've lost count). I've been told my hair is a 4a/b mix. I don't have much of a routine, but I try to deep condition weekly. I typically co-wash 3-4 times a week and wear a wash n' go during the warmer months with occasional protective styles like boxbraids or twist (however, these styles caused major split ends for me if I worn too long). Lately, since it's gotten cooler, I've worn twist which I restyle ever 1-2 weeks and wear a twist out on the weekends. I love buns, but I can't get away with wearing those often. I don't have many staples products, but the products that I use most often are shea butter, the curls line, salon care cholesterol, evoo, black castor oil , and any conditioner that I can get my hands on.

I'm open to any suggestions or advice to get my growth/retention going again.


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Are you in need of a trim? If you are stuck at a certain length then there may be something you are doing that is causing breakage. I think the trick would be to figure out what that is. I recently cut my hair after realizing that mid shaft splits was preventing me from retaining length.

Im editing to add that I also realized I was entirely to rough on my hair causing breakage and more split ends. You should really pay attention when you are detangling or coming your hair to see if you are causing damage.
Hi OP,

I'm going to throw out some questions to help fellow LHCF's help you.

High or low porosity?
What product do you use to deep condition?
What product do yup co wash with?

You mentioned twists give you split ends but you still wear them and retwist them every one to two weeks?

Your hair is still growing, you just need suggestions on retaining your length.
Do you see a lot of breakage when styling? I don't know much about terminal lengths but maybe your terminal length is mbl. Your hair is gorgeous and thick.
It may be mechanical breakage from taking down your twists & combing/detangling etc. Are you being very delicate with your hair when you handle it?
Are you remoisturizing & re-sealing your ends while its in the twists?
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Super_Hero_Girl, are you drinking enough water? Do you take any vitamins? How often do you clarify your hair? Sometimes you may just need to change the products you are using for a few months to give your hair a change of pace. Someone else mentioned protein, perhaps you can try a light protein like Aphogee 2 minute treatment. Hopefully, you will get some answers that help you get growing and retaining again.
Do you use combs on your hair to detangle or your fingers? And how often do you detangle? Do you detangle wet, dry, or damp? Do you oil rinse?

In addition to the other ladies' suggestions and comments, I think plateaus let you know that your current routine is not enough to get you to the next level, whether that's less frequent detangling, no combs, different products, more frequent protein treatments, more frequent DCs, or some combination of these...
HTHs! :)

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Do you use Heat at all? If so, how often?

I would suggest you get a journal from the dollar store or a notebook and start documenting your hair journey. Act as if today is the first day of your HHJ. Write down what doesn't work and what does.

Ex. Twists and braids cause split ends < is this with hair added ? Are you braiding your hair to the very end? Do you moisturize and seal your ends when twisted daily?
First of all beautiful hair OP! ^^ I agree with all of the above posters. You said that you do mostly wash-n-go's in the warmer months and occasionally protective style. Your hair and length goals may benefit from flipping that to wearing mostly protective styles and doing then the occasional wash-n-go.
I would also stay on top of tracking your growth every 2-3 months with measuring tape to ensure that you are progressing. You have to stay on top of what your hair is doing so you can try to prevent spending years at the same length.
In order for me to grow past MBL, I had to stop doing twists and wash and go's. Now I only wear twists or out styles if my hair is blow dried first. I blow dry on warm or cool.
This may be reaching but, don't we all have a point where based on genetics our hair stops growing/retaining length?
Maybe you can get a trim, and create a solid regimen that's consistent, with consistent products, and way less manipulation of your hair each day/week.

That way, at the very least, you rule out breakage, and can gauge whether what you're using/doing is right for you and what you can/should switch out.
Since you are natural and it appears do not use much heat, the pull test is not an accurate way of measuring your length so you may think you have not made any progress when indeed you have.

I do not believe in the myth of terminal length, hair doesn't know when to stop growing.

Also, incorporate more protein and also you may have to detangle your hair better to get the shed hairs out or perhaps incorporate light finger combing and regular combing with a good comb. And you look to have medium fine strands and twists are a big no no.

Almond Eyes
I do not believe in the myth of terminal length, hair doesn't know when to stop growing.

Almond Eyes

The hair on your hair follows the same laws of genetics as your eyebrows and lashes :look:. The don't grow forever either. The hair doesn't have to "know" to stop growing and to start growing to do either. That's why shedding happens. Genes told your hair to stop growing so it falls out.

OP, I keep hitting a plateau too, at MBL, but I always end up cutting in hopes to get past it :nono:. This year I'm not cutting my hair at all, and I will learn to be consistent :drunk:.
Yes, but even so, it is rare for an individual, even with great retention, to see terminal length, as that would entail 100% retention where no hair breaks from manipulation, no split ends, no tangles, with an ideal diet and scalp environment. Terminal length can only exist in a vacuum, because everyone who plateaus does so from some rention issue, not unfettered growth. There are too many variables beyond genetics to dismiss plateaus as terminal length.

The hair on your hair follows the same laws of genetics as your eyebrows and lashes :look:. The don't grow forever either. The hair doesn't have to "know" to stop growing and to start growing to do either. That's why shedding happens. Genes told your hair to stop growing so it falls out.

OP, I keep hitting a plateau too, at MBL, but I always end up cutting in hopes to get past it :nono:. This year I'm not cutting my hair at all, and I will learn to be consistent :drunk:.

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Your hair actually looks shorter & thinner. Hair that appears to be not growing is always a sign of Trichorrhexis nodosa. I'll link thread later.
I'd like to chime in that twists and braids and braidouts and all that were never an effective length retention/protective styling method for me. I wear them in the summer as a cute style because I don't use any heat in the warm months. But as far as retention goes, consistent application of the basics is what works for me. I moisturize and seal once or twice a day, I deep condition and use protein regularly, limit direct heat, and bun 4-6 days a week with spin pins, not elastics, they are horrible for your edges. I also use a "growth oil" I make with sulfur, but I really think that sticking to the basics is what keeps my hair growing and retaining. So far I've hit my goal length every year. HTH! Your hair is gorgeous. I'm sure if you listen to the wise ladies here on LHCF and get back to basics your growth will kick in again. God bless!
@Umm Ebraheem – In only trim 2 or 3 times a year. I am due for a trim now though. I have noticed some splits lately. Doing weekly deep conditions helped me combat splits in the past. I don’t know what is causing them now though. I’m pretty gentle with my hair and try not to handle it too often.

@Subscibe – Good questions!
High or low porosity? Low Porosity
What product do you use to deep condition?I deep condition with SalonCare Cholesterol Cream Conditioner
What product do yup co wash with? Any conditioner really. Most often it’s HE Hello Hydration or Curls Coconut Curlada Conditioner.
You mentioned twists give you split ends but you still wear them and retwist them every one to two weeks? Twist are probably the only protective style that I can get away with sometimes. If I leave them or boxbraids in for over 2-3 weeks, that’s when I notice splits.

Also, I don’t use heat often at all. Like once every 3 or 4 years. The journal idea is excellent. I think I’ll do that and treat this like I am just starting my hair journey because I’ve been at it for a while now and clearly I still need to figure some things out. Thanks!

Victoria44 – Thanks. I do see some breakage when styling and co-washing. I guess I wouldn’t consider it a lot though. I normally get breakage just above where my single stand knots are. Since single strand knots seem to be a given for natural hair. I haven't thought much about the breakage there. Hmm...:perplexed

ManeStreet – I don’t re-moisturize & reseal often when wearing twist. Sometimes I just moisturize and leave it at that. I do think I handle my hair pretty gently though.

newgrowth15 – Good point. I’m definitely not drinking enough water. I take a multi-vitamin and B12 daily (okay, sometimes it’s every other day). I only clarify about once a month. I think I will try some new products and try a protein treatment. Thanks for your feedback.

DoDo – I only trim about 2-3 times/year.

kxlot79 – I don’t do comb or brush and have finger detangled for years. I detangle my hair while wet. I’ve never tried oil rinses. You’re right. I need to change things up in order to get over this plateau. You ladies have given great suggestions so far and I appreciate it.

silverbuttons, SunRai Naturals, FoxxyLocs, and Whimsy – Thanks for the tips. I think I will try switching up the styling and protein treatments.
almond eyes – That was really helpful. I do have medium fine hair. I didn’t think about twists being a faux pas for me.

- Thanks. You may be right. I’d appreciate a link to that thread.

– Thanks for sharing your routine and for the tips. Your hair is gorgeous.
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Your hair is so pretty!!

I'm adding another vote for protective styling.
For me, even when I PS without any extensions I still don't see the same retention as when I put it away under a wig. I hope you're able to figure this out soon.

A lot of the longer haired ladies I "stalk" have also mentioned a stalling point where they had to make a small change in their regi in order to get past it.

GL! :)
bellashair and ckisland - I don’t know about terminal length, but based on the many suggestions that I’ve received so far, I know that there are things that I can do better. So, I’m not going to count myself out just yet.
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Yes, but even so, it is rare for an individual, even with great retention, to see terminal length, as that would entail 100% retention where no hair breaks from manipulation, no split ends, no tangles, with an ideal diet and scalp environment. Terminal length can only exist in a vacuum, because everyone who plateaus does so from some rention issue, not unfettered growth. There are too many variables beyond genetics to dismiss plateaus as terminal length.

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I agree with you, for the most part. There is a referenced average growth rate and range of growth time. It is reasonable to assume that someone in that range could be near their terminal length. But I wasn't saying that the OP was at her terminal length (though she could be), just that there is a off switch for hair growth. Not believing in terminal length (something that common sense and science confirm) and believing that most people haven't or won't hit their terminal length are two totally different things.

@ OP, you shouldn't count yourself out :grin:!! I've been at it 6 years (since going natural), and I'm still keeping hope alive :lol:.
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OP: I love your hair.

I am sure you will start to see progress after making the suggested changes.
@Umm Ebraheem – I only trim 2 or 3 times a year.:That seems fine. I am due for a trim now though. I have noticed some splits lately. Doing weekly deep conditions helped me combat splits in the past. I don’t know what is causing them now though. I’m pretty gentle with my hair and try not to handle it too often.

@Subscibe – Good questions!
High or low porosity? Low Porosity (Try baggying with oil midweek)
What product do you use to deep condition?I deep condition with SalonCare Cholesterol Cream Conditioner: (Try a protein conditioner every two to 4 weeks)
What product do yup co wash with? Any conditioner really. Most often it’s HE Hello Hydration or Curls Coconut Curlada Conditioner. (Try a silicone free conditioner to cowash)
You mentioned twists give you split ends but you still wear them and retwist them every one to two weeks? Twist are probably the only protective style that I can get away with sometimes. If I leave them or boxbraids in for over 2-3 weeks, that’s when I notice splits. (Try wearing box braids with your own hair instead of twists and rolling the ends with perm rods to stretch out the ends)

Also, I don’t use heat often at all. Like once every 3 or 4 years. The journal idea is excellent. I think I’ll do that and treat this like I am just starting my hair journey because I’ve been at it for a while now and clearly I still need to figure some things out. Thanks!

Victoria44 – Thanks. I do see some breakage when styling and co-washing. I guess I wouldn’t consider it a lot though. I normally get breakage just above where my single stand knots are. Since single strand knots seem to be a given for natural hair. I haven't thought much about the breakage there. Hmm...:perplexed

ManeStreet – I don’t re-moisturize & reseal often when wearing twist.(In order to keep the hair pliable you may need to re-moisturize and seal 2-3 times a week, especially with twists since they tend to mat and form knotted ends) Sometimes I just moisturize and leave it at that (Natural oils tend to either evaporate or fully penetrate the hair within a couple of days so using at least a creamy leave in sealed with an oil every 2 to three days will maintain moisture better). I do think I handle my hair pretty gently though.

newgrowth15 – Good point. I’m definitely not drinking enough water. I take a multi-vitamin and B12 daily (okay, sometimes it’s every other day). I only clarify about once a month(when you clarify your hair shouldn't feel stripped it should feel 'cleaner' than usual. If your clarifying shampoo leaves you with dry hair it should be replaced). I think I will try some new products and try a protein treatment. Thanks for your feedback.

DoDo – I only trim about 2-3 times/year. ( That sounds good. Make certain that your ends are actually splitting and showing damage before you trim and stick to one inch trims if your are trimming three times that year. Keep in mind if your hair retains the average rate of growth of 6 inches in a year and you trim one inch three times that year you are left with three inches. If you trim off two inches three times that year you are left with 0 retained inches in length)

kxlot79 – I don’t do comb or brush and have finger detangled for years (I have recently discovered after two years of solely finger detangling that matting can occur at the roots if a comb is never introduced. If your hair is incredibly tangled and you have trouble even parting a section of your hair to do a two strand twist without the need to finger detangle first, you may need to consider using seamless wide tooth comb to get rid of built up shed hair) . I detangle my hair while wet (Perhaps your hair may prefer being detangled when slightly damp? I have found that mine does). I’ve never tried oil rinses. You’re right. I need to change things up in order to get over this plateau. You ladies have given great suggestions so far and I appreciate it.

silverbuttons, SunRai Naturals, FoxxyLocs, and Whimsy – Thanks for the tips. I think I will try switching up the styling and protein treatments.
almond eyes – That was really helpful. I do have medium fine hair.(Low manipulation is key for your hair type.) I didn’t think about twists being a faux pas for me.

- Thanks. You may be right. I’d appreciate a link to that thread.

– Thanks for sharing your routine and for the tips. Your hair is gorgeous.

One more thought, cowashing more than twice a week when you have low porosity hair can cause hygral fatigue because it can take up to 18 hours for the hair to fully dry. Hygral fatigue is wear and tear that occurs when the hair shaft swells with water and then contracts as it dries. There is also protein loss that occurs when the hair is fully submerged in water. This can be reduced by coating the hair in coconut oil the night before getting it wet. When the hair is wet for too long it can also become over conditioned, and this is the weakening of the hair that occurs due to the softening of keratin when hair is wet or damp for too long. In addition to this there can be over conditioning that occurs due to a lack of protein in the hair regimen. Since you have fine low porosity hair you are most vulnerable to this. Cowashing too often may be too much moisture and manipulation for you.
However, a regimen where you co wash mid week and use protein for your cleansing session at the end of the week may be just the ticket!
See above for my thoughts. I hope this is helpful. :D
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