Hair that won't take to perms anymore!


New Member
Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Has anyone ever heard of this? It's like my hair is totally refusing to take to perms whatsoever anymore! My last perm was a Creme of Nature herbal no-lye and it appeared to have come out straight, until I washed it. Now my roots are wavy and curly AGAIN, and it annoying to comb, because the rest of my hair isn't like this. Before this perm, I've had my hair touched up with Motions in March, Pink Lotion no-lye in April, Exclusives in May, and then finally the Creme of Nature no-lye at the end of June, and nothing still works. Could there be any possible explanations?
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Maybe you should try 'lye' instead...they do relaxe the curl better and leave the hair in better condition than no-lyes. I used Motions, but when and if I do a touchup it will be Revlon lye(mild).
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

It happened to my aunt. She has relaxed her hair at home since the 70's. Now she has an unwanted texturizer. She uses some off-brand relaxer that I can't remember the name of right now. One time she left it on for 30 minutes and her hair still didn't get straight.

Edited to add:
I remembered the name of my aunt's relaxer--Le Kair Cholesterol Relaxer.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

One or two things come to mind.

This could be a good thing.Maybe your hair is stronger than it used to be and it takes more for the relaxer to break the hair down to get it straight.

I use Motions Lye w/oil. I love it! and not because it gets my hair straight because it doesnt. What it does do is it relaxes my hair perfectly with a soft wave pattern. From what I understand no matter what relaxer you use or strength,if you let your hair air dry it will dry with a wavy pattern. To get it super straight you would need to use a blow dryer and curling iron. Or you can do what I do which is,let the hair air dry. When its 90 percent dry wrap the hair and put a silk scarf on it. In the morning you will have soft straight hair.

Tee Tee
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Are you doing a strand test to find out how long you should leave it on and which strength to use to get the results you're looking for?
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Okay, thanks guys. I knew something was wrong because with the last one, I left it on for 40 minutes hoping to have some straight hair. My gawd.

I've always gone to the hairdresser for touch-ups, and the stylists use Exclusives and my hair had no problems taking to it whatsoever. But suddenly this year in March after I applied the Motions is when my hair started acting weird, and now it won't get straight for the world.

I'm hoping that the reason is because my hair is stronger because my hair habits have definitely changed this year. But the problem is the ends of my hair tend to be straighter, and this is annoying when I have to comb it while it's wet. It also creates breakage between the two textures. What should I do? (I refuse to cut off the straight hair, because the straight hair is about ten inches, versus about 4 inches of wavy/curly hair)
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Or you can do what I do which is,let the hair air dry. When its 90 percent dry wrap the hair and put a silk scarf on it. In the morning you will have soft straight hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tee Tee, that's exactly what I do, and it works GREAT!!! Soft, straight hair w/o using heat
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Are you doing a strand test to find out how long you should leave it on and which strength to use to get the results you're looking for?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, that's probably another reason why, but it's still confusing because I've never had this problem before, right until this year. I may have to tell the next stylist that I go to for a relaxer to perform a strand test on my hair because some parts of the roots are straighter than others. It truly is a mess.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Your hair is probably heathier, like the other poster said.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Thanks, this makes me feel a ton better. And now that I think about it, this all started in March, which was a month later after I began my thyroid medication. Hmmm...
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

After I went natural, then texturized, my hair takes a longer time to relax. I leave it on for the same amount of time that I used to, but now it is still curly, rather than straight when I use the same strength.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

My daughter's hair is like this. From calcium build up from a number of no-lye relaxers. It's getting better now, but it took a looong time and a few different lye relaxers! I used Texture and Tones last time (had to use super, her hair is thick and resistant too) and it finally got straight! Not bone straight, but straight enough.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!


I had this issue too last summer. I never thought it would have been from calcium buildup from no-lye relaxers. Does anyone else know anything about this? That is interesting. I used cream of nature no-lye for years then all of a sudden after wearing braids for a couple of months, my hair wouldn't take - I'm talking not even blown out. So of course I kept it texturized, but it took at least three touch ups using a mild dudley's lye relaxer to get it corrected.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

i have this issue right now and it is not from calcium buildup as I haven't used no lye in 3 years. i don't know what the deal is either. I think it could be due to the hair's increased strength from proper care.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

My hair stopped taking a perm because I had been wearing weaves for a few years..when I tried to relax again, my hair just couldn't handle it.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

I think its just because your hair is stronger and healthier. I've noticed with my last two touch ups that even though she left the relaxer on for 20 minutes my roots still came out wavy. after I washed. I think its also because the hair shaft of my new growth is way thicker (very visable to the naked eye) than the older, non healthy, non vitamin'd part of the hair shaft due to my vitamin regime and that might make relaxers work harder to penetrate. its all a good thang.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

These explanations make a ton of sense. But, I know for sure that mine isn't from calcium buildup because I was always getting my hair permed with Exclusives lye perm. I tried 2 no-lye perms after this problem ocurred, thinking it would fix the dilemna, but it didn't. So, I just pray that it is because my hair is stronger now.

So for the people with this problem, how do you know which hair to touch-up for your perming? My underprocessed hair and new growth are practically the same, and so I don't want to keep allowing perm to hit the same hair that's been permed 4 times before already.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

My texturized hair and natural hair LOOK close to the same, but they don't FEEL the same. The natural hair is more tightly coiled and I've always gone by touch when re-touching.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

I was told a long time ago that when relaxers wouldn't straighten the hair it was because the persons diet was to acidic.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

I think godzooki is right about the vitamins. Your hair is stronger and harder to break down.
Re: Hair that won\'t take to perms anymore!

Yeah my hair will beat the heck outta my relaxers.