Hair tangled and somewhat matted. Help!!


New Member
I don't post much, I mainly read and take in what everyone says, anyways, I decided to take out of braids that I have had in for about a good 6 weeks and I made sure that I was really careful taking them out, I put sta sof-fro on my braids to moisten them up so that they wont be dry when I took them out. Well I decided that I was going to put in a light protein treatment that I found at Sally's. Its called Profective Growth Masque, its supposed to strengthen and deep condition hair. Well I applied it on my hair for about 3 minutes and deep conditioned my hair for about 2 hours. Well when I was rinsing out my hair, my hair felt kinda hard but strong. Well now, its so dry, I tried to wash it and condition it today and its matted. I cant even comb it, its so bad. What should I do??? Oh, by the way, I'm probably about 10-11 weeks post relaxer. I really dont want to cut my hair, help!! :(
Hey lady...
Sorry you're havin trouble. :(

I was having mega tangle/matting issues about a week ago and Blossssom suggested Paul Mitchell's The Detangler. I VERY VERY VERY highly recommend this product. It totally changed my detangling situation. If you apply it to your hair and work it through, it might help your situation. You may even want to just do a deep con CO wash. Maybe you could try mixing your favorite moisturizng con (Elucence, Nexxus, Kenra, take your pick), Paul Mitchell The Detangler, EVOO, and honey. I'd apply this, put on a cap, and sit under the dryer for 30 min. or so.
I've also heard ladies say that ACV is great for easing tangle pain. You may also consider something with cones at the top of the ingredient list so the hair could "slip" out of it's tangles and matting.
If all else fails, put on some mood music and take some deep breaths. Drink a cup of chamomile tea, and don't do anything drastic. If you get frustrated and start choppin hair off, you'll probably regret it. Just take your time, and work through it.

Everything will be ok. :kiss:
Divine ~ Thanks for responding so quicky. I am going up to the mall and picking up some Paul Mitchell The Detangler. I'll probably pick up some Kenra conditioner too. I actually have the generic version that I bought at Sallys and that didnt even help. I'm taking that right back. Wish me luck:) I'll let ya know how everything turns out
nelli711 said:
I don't post much, I mainly read and take in what everyone says, anyways, I decided to take out of braids that I have had in for about a good 6 weeks and I made sure that I was really careful taking them out, I put sta sof-fro on my braids to moisten them up so that they wont be dry when I took them out. Well I decided that I was going to put in a light protein treatment that I found at Sally's. Its called Profective Growth Masque, its supposed to strengthen and deep condition hair. Well I applied it on my hair for about 3 minutes and deep conditioned my hair for about 2 hours. Well when I was rinsing out my hair, my hair felt kinda hard but strong. Well now, its so dry, I tried to wash it and condition it today and its matted. I cant even comb it, its so bad. What should I do??? Oh, by the way, I'm probably about 10-11 weeks post relaxer. I really dont want to cut my hair, help!! :(

I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago (before finding this lovely site), I took braids out, didn't detangle and tried to wash my hair immediately. It was tangle city.

I have braids in now, and will be removing them in 2 weeks. Instead of chopping, you should look at the tangles and trace them with your fingers and see if you can detangle (using your fingers or a gentle comb) with the products the other ladies told you about.
Well girls, thanks for your help. I went & bought Cream of Nature Detangling Shampoo & Conditioner along with The Detangler by Paul Mitchell. I had the hardest time getting the tangles out. I didnt know how bad my hair was, my hair was matted pretty bad, it was like I had 2 big dreadlocks in the back. I finally got the tangles out but I KNOW that my hair is pretty damaged. I think I am gonna blow dry my hair out next week and probably get it cut if its pretty bad. Thanks for the suggestions though. I really appreciate your help
Oh my god, Nelli, what a horrible situtation. I'm glad you got it resolved. :(

Be careful blowing it out next week I'm sure you'll pamper it until then.
Synthia ~ Thanks girl. I lost so much hair I cryed because I felt like all my hair work was just gone down the drain. Ever since I found this site, I've treated my hair strands as if they were silk. My hair has grown so much and for the first time in my life, I actually retained the length. My boyfriend jinxed me! He told me yesterday to stop buying hair supplies because Im gonna make myself get baldheaded if I kept on messing wit my hair and look what happened to me today. LoL Its actually funny now that I think about it but it wasnt when I was trying to untangle my hair. He had to hide the scissors away from me earlier because I was so tired of trying to untangle my hair, I was so close to just chopping off. I hope my hair isnt in too bad of shape, Im just afraid that after all that combing and detangling that I am gonna end up with a head full of broken strands and split ends...
Well, whatever you end if with, just make it look as good as possible. And don't lop it off!!!

If something looks weird ... you better hide it with a creative 'do :grin: .

When my hair broke off in the back a few years ago. I adopted the french roll and pulled out some nice long tendrils on the side and front ... it looked good, sexy, and sophisticated ! One girl was like "S-, that is you!" I was workin' it. Little did anyone know, I was concealing big time!!

Girl, I have lost and regrown so many manes... I don't even have time to tell you about it. But you know what. The damage aways is corrected by new growth and patience.

But you should be've put in months of maintenance and that should be your insurance. Just wait until you get your relaxer ;)
Synthia ~ Girl, Im gon find something to do with it. Right now I have it in a pony tail with a baggie over it. I'm just so mad that this happened to me. I guess I've had my first set back. This is lesson well learned. But dont worry, I will make sure that I baby the mess out of my hair.
It happened to me before also. I cried and cried. I cried so hard, I think my mother was starting to cry too :lol: . This happened 3 yrs ago (twice), since then I have not looked at a braid. I know you feel like you have taken 2 steps back, but it will get better. :)
1SpecialK ~ Im sorry this happened to you also. I know its just hair and it will grow back but its just so frustrating. Thanks for the kind words:)
Sorry about your matting. I can totaly relate. Hard Protiens (like Aphogee, Sebastian) are usually to harsh to do right after braids. I'm not sure what was in the profective growth masque, but for next next time try a mild protein (like Nexxus Keraphix). Once you do your protien treatment follow up afterwards witha a deep conditioner. Then again the next day or two as well. This will help get your hair back to normal. Stay away from puting wet hair in ponytails as well during that time. That will matt your hair as well. You really have to baby your hair having that much growth after taking out your braids.
Here is a take down regemin that may help as well:
1) Take out braids
2) DETANGLE very well
3) hot oil treatment
4) clarify shampoo
5) moisturize shampoo
6) light protein treatment
7) moisturize deep conditioner (leave in an hour or more)
8) Rinse and apply leave ins

It's the pH level in your hair. Next time (God forbid) before you do anything else. Mix about half cup of baking soda and lots of water and rinse your hair. last time I used a strong protein treatment it happened to me. Like your hair is a spider's web. Very tangled and unable to comb and hard. Baking soda and water did the trick for me.
Tasha ~ The growth masque says it has hydrolyzed soy protein, wheat protein along with silk amino acids. I did everything you said for taking down my braids except detangle good. I combed my hair after each braid but after all the braids were out, I didnt comb it. I will DEFINETELY keep that in mind next time. Thank ya girl:)

Faith ~ Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna try that in the next few days. I actually washed my hair again tonight and it was okay felt as if it wanted to mat up again. Im just so tired of it, I was thinking about cutting it all off today. My hair is fighting with me and its winning! lol
Please do consider giving PM The Detangler a try! I have been experiencing major knots and tangles during the past 3 weeks. It got soo bad that last weekend I spent 50 minutes rollersetting my hair - the tangles were unbelievable! Anyway, I purchased the Detangler this evening and mixed it with EVOO and Suave Humectant, applied it to my hair and sat under the dryer for 1/2 hr. Well, although my hair didn't feel as if it had a lot of slip, I barely had any tangles. I was able to glide the comb through my hair and I did my rollerset in the normal 20-25 minutes! And now I'm back under the dryer. I think this ones a keeper, especially as I stretch my relaxer to 12 weeks!
nelli711 said:
Faith ~ Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna try that in the next few days. I actually washed my hair again tonight and it was okay felt as if it wanted to mat up again. Im just so tired of it, I was thinking about cutting it all off today. My hair is fighting with me and its winning! lol
Seriously, try the baking soda and water. You'll be amazed. I'm not
Faith said:
It's the pH level in your hair. Next time (God forbid) before you do anything else. Mix about half cup of baking soda and lots of water and rinse your hair. last time I used a strong protein treatment it happened to me. Like your hair is a spider's web. Very tangled and unable to comb and hard. Baking soda and water did the trick for me.

Do you do this after/before washing; after/before conditioning? My hair likes to matte too post braids and I just recently considered how using protein (joico/emergencee) post braids and my matting situation correlated.

Should the mixture be pasty or liquidy?

PrincessAvaya said:
Do you do this after/before washing; after/before conditioning? My hair likes to matte too post braids and I just recently considered how using protein (joico/emergencee) post braids and my matting situation correlated.

Should the mixture be pasty or liquidy?

Well the time I did do it it was just a rinse to correct a problem I had with a protein treatment. Now I do it after conditioner as part of my final rinse. I dilute it a lot. Not pasty at all. Little goes a long softens the water. It's great.
Sweetcakes ~ Girl, I tryed PM the detangler. I bought it that night and used the whole bottle and it still didnt do anything. I also got the detangling cream of nature shampoo and that helped because that has alot of slippage but the PM didnt help me too much. It was like I had dreadlocks in my hair, it was pretty bad. I'm between 10-12 weeks post relaxer so I was wondering would it be wise to put a relaxer in my hair next week sometime or should I just leave it alone for a while?

Faith ~ Definetely the next time I wash my hair, I will be using that baking soda as a rinse. I am willing to try just about anything so that this wont be a problem for me again.
nelli711 said:
Sweetcakes ~ Girl, I tryed PM the detangler. I bought it that night and used the whole bottle and it still didnt do anything. I also got the detangling cream of nature shampoo and that helped because that has alot of slippage but the PM didnt help me too much. It was like I had dreadlocks in my hair, it was pretty bad. I'm between 10-12 weeks post relaxer so I was wondering would it be wise to put a relaxer in my hair next week sometime or should I just leave it alone for a while?

Faith ~ Definetely the next time I wash my hair, I will be using that baking soda as a rinse. I am willing to try just about anything so that this wont be a problem for me again.

You didn't ask me, but I don't think the relaxer would be a good idea this soon. With the trauma your hair just went through, it may be a good idea to hold off for a while longer and just do some good deep conditions to rebuild your hair's health. Just my humble opinion.
nelli711 said:
I don't post much, I mainly read and take in what everyone says, anyways, I decided to take out of braids that I have had in for about a good 6 weeks and I made sure that I was really careful taking them out, I put sta sof-fro on my braids to moisten them up so that they wont be dry when I took them out. Well I decided that I was going to put in a light protein treatment that I found at Sally's. Its called Profective Growth Masque, its supposed to strengthen and deep condition hair. Well I applied it on my hair for about 3 minutes and deep conditioned my hair for about 2 hours. Well when I was rinsing out my hair, my hair felt kinda hard but strong. Well now, its so dry, I tried to wash it and condition it today and its matted. I cant even comb it, its so bad. What should I do??? Oh, by the way, I'm probably about 10-11 weeks post relaxer. I really dont want to cut my hair, help!! :(


I have been there and done that.....

It's been exactly a year since I took out my last set of braids and that was chaotic!.....I had longer hair on one side than the other because I had to cut one side out of frustration:mad:

You just need lots of conditioner and patience and as many pairs of hands (friends, cousins) as possible to help you untangle cousin helped me just have to keep untangling with your fingers and combing until you get through it all....Don't shampoo until you have removed all the atnlgles unless you will have another tangled mess on your hands!

If you have the Surge Powerwash shampoo, that is really helpful. It helps to get rid of all that gunk in your hair and helps to keep it didn't dry out my hair....try it.

Deep condition really well.
Divine ~ Hey girl thanks for your opinion. Your right, I won't put a relaxer in. I'll wait a few weeks. Currently, my hair is probably about 1 inch past shoulder and I was thinking about getting it cut to about 1 inch past my chin on or so.

Baileyscream ~ I think I got just about all of the tangles out. I was so mad that night that I just started combing my hair real rough because it was just so matted. Next time I'll be alot gentler, hopefully there won't be a next time because I wanna avoid my hair getting like that. I don't have the surge power wash poo yet. Your so tempting me to pull my credit card
Use an acidic shampoo. with a ph of 3-4.5.

I had this problem, everbody told me to use all this conditioner. But a stylist told me to use this type of poo. It worked effortlessly.

If you don't have biolage hydrating shampoo on hand, try neutralizing poo.
Sorry about the mishaps!

What I do now since I haven't relaxed since mar 1st and I have baby fine hair and I have to use braids:

Put cond and baggie overnight and take out the next day

Carefully take out and as I am taking out rebraid my own hair and I can end up with anywhere from 8 - 16 braids. I deep cond and protein treat (if that is what I plan to do) and everything with no less then 3 braids (most of the time 4, 3 this last time I washed, since my braids have been down for about 3 weeks). I haven't had a relaxer in soo long I'm afraid to wash it without sections. I just do everything a section at a time.

Oh yeah, sleeping in conditioner and braids (your hair) the shower comb just slips through the sections and you can poo, cond, rinse, twist/braid, clip, next section. I have no tangles. Then I put my hair up into a pony tail, twist tail, baggie, phony pony, wrap it in a scarf (I don't pull on it too tightly because I don't want to break it off, the scarf lays down the renegade edges). I end up with all my hair layin' down and wavy.
Plenty706 said:
Use an acidic shampoo. with a ph of 3-4.5.

I had this problem, everbody told me to use all this conditioner. But a stylist told me to use this type of poo. It worked effortlessly.

If you don't have biolage hydrating shampoo on hand, try neutralizing poo.

Biolage Hydrating shampoo is a acidic shampoo? Do acidic shampoo's say so on the bottle? Do you have any more product recs? Thanks!
Plenty ~ where can I find an acidic shampoo with a ph as low as 3?

ftballwidow ~ girl, you haven't had a relaxer since march? you go girl because I dont know how you do it. lol. I counted on my calendar and found out that I am more like 14 weeks post relaxer and its tough.
PrincessAvaya said:
Biolage Hydrating shampoo is a acidic shampoo? Do acidic shampoo's say so on the bottle? Do you have any more product recs? Thanks!

Acidic=low ph

Biolage has a low ph.

All the dominican use it. I have been to three and seen it there.

Hope this helps. I use all sorts of conditoners. I just had that one problem with matted hair. I was worried because I never had that problem before. I am telling u, I don't know how, but it was all that I needed.

Hope this helps!