Hair talk.. atlanta meet, you ladies are great


New Member
I've been home about 10 minutes but the lure of the site got me
i had SOOO much fun y'all. The Cheesecake Factory was great of course and it was just the place for finally meeting up with everyone. To those that don't already know -the Atlanta meeting was great
. It was so much fun seeing DSD again and i gotta tell everyone, this girl has SKILLZZZ with braiding, hopefully she will post pics soon. JaneiR36 is a complete sweety and i cant wait for her to start showing those hair pics, so sweet and quiet and such nice pretty hair. Lierin was there and i can tell all y'all that you all are gonna have to watch out for her. she is growing out a cute cut and i can already tell that when her hair gets more length that she's gonna have that swingalicious hair
NOW i gotta tell y'all about my Hairbuddy.....She is hilarious, pretty and has gorgeous hair!!! and for all y'all that aint feeling the grease, y'all need to see Kitchen_ticians' will have you singing a new tune, VERY nice. Aaaahhh it's so nice finding another that uses grease. Oh yeah, did i mention that she is also a product junkie to the EXTREME!!!!
She was so great with parting with alot of her products that she wasnt feeling anymore, i felt like a kid let loose in a candystore
anyway i really enjoyed myself
-- jainygirl
Thanks Jainy! We had a great time. I do have some pics to put up and I will do that as soon as I stop getting this error message from Fotki!

I met some nice ladies at the meeting!
Thanks Jainygirl,

I was so excited to meet all of the ladies and yes, we had a great time. All of the ladies have great hair.
As we speak, I am finishing off my cheesecake from last night.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our next function.