Hair Stylist Vent


New Member
:blush:Good Afternoon Ladies,
I am new to the proper way to care for my hair. I beleive that I have been doing a great job on taking care of my ends, washing weekly, and mositurizing daily. Lately, I have been going back and forth with the process of trasitioning and going completely natural. I am about 19 weeks post relaxer right now, but I beleive now is the time to throw in the flag. On sunday I tried to rollerset my hair, and my new growth was not having it.:sad:. I think the better option for me is just to relax my hair about 2 or 3 times a year.
Now, that I have gave you a brief summary. Here is my issue (you let me know if its good or bad). I just gave my hair stylist a call to schedule an hair appointment for tomorrow to get a relaxer:wallbash:. I stated to her that I wanted to get a lye relaxer (because I heard they are better for the hair). She stated that there is really no difference between a lye and no lye relaxer, and they all have sodium hydroante (spelling), and that the problem comes in when women switch back and forth between professional and box relaxers. She asked me have I been keeping heat off of my hair, and I told her yes. She also asked how I was wearing my hair, I told her that I have it up majority of the time (protective styling) and she said that's not good. (WhAt):perplexed. She stated that since I am over 6 to 8 weeks post relaxer I should be pressing my hair out more at the dermarkation line.:blush:. When she stated this is sounded like death to the hair to me.
Ladies please help me in my time of concern. Thanks!
I think most of the advice she gave you can be good or bad depending on the individual head of hair. What I wouldn't overlook is her not knowing the different types of chemicals used in relaxers. I believe this is basic knowledge if you call yourself a beautician. So I would feel that a) she's trying to manipulate me so that I would spend my money with her or b) she needs more education because there's no way I would let her put her hands in my head.
RUN.... as fast as you can from this one. Instead of telling a stylist what relaxer you want to use, buy your own and don'g give them a chance to choose for you. Don't just talk and ask what you need. Tell them what you want.
She stated that there is really no difference between a lye and no lye relaxer, and they all have sodium hydroante (spelling), and that the problem comes in when women switch back and forth between professional and box relaxers. There is a difference between lye and no-lye relaxers. There are several good threads that delineate the differences. TYPICALLY, no-lye is easier on the scalp but more drying on the hair, whereas lye is harder on the scalp but more moisturizing on the hair. Some women have successfully switched between the two without any problems, but some have not.

She asked me have I been keeping heat off of my hair, and I told her yes. She also asked how I was wearing my hair, I told her that I have it up majority of the time (protective styling) and she said that's not good. Why would it NOT be good to keep the hair up? Low manipulation is a high positive since you are not handling the hair particularly at the line of demarcation.

(WhAt):perplexed. She stated that since I am over 6 to 8 weeks post relaxer I should be pressing my hair out more at the dermarkation line.:blush:. When she stated this is sounded like death to the hair to me. Hmmm! Again, some ladies have pressed their hair and had no issues, HOWEVER if you search the threads you'll read about those who've had severe breakage and heat damage due to this. I wouldn't do it.

If you are ready to relax - then relax. Everyone cheers a good stretch, but make sure the health of your hair is your foremost concern. BTW, I would look for another stylist!
If I were you I would get a second opinion and then run away from her. Learn to LISTEN TO YOUR GUT, it will never let you down. I wish you the best but research a bit more before you make the decision to relax. Transitioning is normally not an easy thing to do but persistence and patience will get you thru the difficult phases of transitioning.

Good Luck
Wow, thank you so much ladies.. All of you stated that I should either cancel the appointment or look for another stylist. Umm.. this is a hard one, because I have been going to her for so long, and I would like my hair done for new years. Oh did I mention that she keeps a short hair cut:blush:.

Have you ladies noticed that African American stylist never have naturally long hair, they all have long hair by virtue of tracks?:rolleyes:

Do you ladies think it is a better idea for me to make an appointment with an dominican salon instead?

Please help!

And yes I have noticed that many "stylists" do not have long hair
dont do it! dont do it!

Sounds like she wont be patient with your hair!

Find a stylist who cares....loyalty aint worth a setback
You need to look for a new stylist. Since you are taking better care of your hair why not wash your hair and flat iron it if you want it done for new years eve. Or look on youtube for a cute updo. Don't sacrifice your hair just to have it done.
Ok. thank you so much. Okay, I am going to keep the appointment, but I am going to have her do a flexi-rod set instead. I guess this is a sign to keep my hair natural! Thanks ladies!:drunk:
I know how you feel about dropping a stylist you have been going to for years. I had to do the same recently. Since coming to this forum I have learned that my stylist has been doing my relaxers all wrong. Now I'm in the process of looking for a new stylist and might relax my hair myself.
I think you should try a shampoo and style with a new stylist before you let them put a relaxer on your hair. They could be just as clueless about relaxers as the one you have now... just saying.
Please do not go to her. Trust your instinct. I would hate to see a post from you in a week about how she ruined your hair.