Hair styles for....


New Member
Hello ladies!! Im goin to the movies with my SO tonite and I need a hair style and quick! I am between NL and SL. I prefer to wear a swoop bang tonite. WHat do you suggest????
On my first date with my hubby--first day we actually met--I had about your length and had a side part and side swept bangs and then smoothed everything back and braided the back and tucked it under. Think of a look of a ballet bun only w/o the bun. Might not be everyone's cup of tea to look like you have no hair, but I found it neat and tidy...and it didn't drive him away even though he doesn't care for short hair.:grin: It looked kinda like this but picture side swept bangs:

Another do I did back when I had relaxed hair and that length also involved side-swept bangs with part on the side, with the front smoothed down but the back lifted like this:

This second do always got compliments even from strangers. This involved curling the hair first though.