Hair Splits!!!! What is going on?


New Member
Let me start by saying...I am a natural. I stopped relaxing my hair in Dec. 2005 and did my big chop in Oct. 2006. I swore that by being natural I would see way less hair damage. The culprit may be because for my wedding I had my hair pressed and the hairdresser applied too much heat in July 2007. So I decided to do hot oil rinses, light protein treatments weekly, alternating between henna and Motions CPR, and dc'ing with Bomba/and Aguacate-domincan conditioner and moisturizing nightly while sealing in the moisture. I sleep with a satin cap and pillowcase. I have not applied any heat to my hair since July 4, 2007. I noticed some breaking, but my light protein treatments weekly really cut it down.

But I was examining my hair today and I find tons of splits in my hair. Last week I dusted my ends----first trim since my big chop in Oct 2006. This did not help because these splits are way different. The majority of the splits are in the middle of my hair shaft and not at the ends of my hair!!!!!!! I took a closer look at them and the hair strand appears normal at first but when I run my finger down the strand I notice a slight separation---the hair splits, but reattaches itself to that single strand again. Basically the hair strand starts off as one strand and then divides and then comes together again (looks like an oval shaped hole in my hair strand). Then other strands have multiple splits running down the hair ---these have actually separated from that individual hair strand. I have never seen anything before like this! What went wrong?:wallbash: Is it that hairdresser with the execessive heat (blowdrying my hair, flatironing my hair and then pressing it w/o heat protectant)? Is it brushing sparingly with a non-boar bristle brush?(but I rarely brush my hair--I twist my hair and wear twist outs) The only good thing is that my hair is still strong...when I pull these strands they don't break off easily...I was just simply cutting many of them in the front sections of my hair. I can't reach the back though to cut them off individually. What the @#% should I do? I am so frustrated and what I really want to do is:freakout:but that's not going to help me. All that hard work and the one time I get my hair flatironed...
I get this:gotroasted: . What should I do? What do you think caused this? Should I continue to do what I am doing and probably get a friend to help me cut off the bad hairs individually? Is this unusual?
Well, I have heard of hair splitting in the middle if too much heat applied to the middle and the roots and ends are fine, but the middle is split. Now, what to do. Just continue babying your hair and since it is all natural, the split middle will not be too noticeable.

-avoid heat
-DC as aften as you can
-use protein as needed, but be careful not to over do cuz too much protein can cause breakage
-IMHO, i would avoid brushing, period. But that's just me, no use for brushes here . ..

Why oh why did you let someone apply heat without a protectant? Okay, I just HAD to ask that one . . .

But thank God your hair is still strong . . .
I never had splits until I went natural too. I have all types of splits including the ones you have described.

I started getting splits when I had about 5-6 inches of hair.

I believe my splits were caused by excessive manipulation and styling. I would have 3-4 styles in one week! I think even twists and twistouts cause splits because when you twist your hair, strands are rubbing against each other causing friction which can cause split strands.

So now I've decided to loc my hair to give myself a break from styling and so I can leave my natural hair alone.

But if you want to keep your loose natural hair, leave it alone as much as possible. Avoid excessive combing and brushing and styling. Hope that helps.
Well, I have heard of hair splitting in the middle if too much heat applied to the middle and the roots and ends are fine, but the middle is split. Now, what to do. Just continue babying your hair and since it is all natural, the split middle will not be too noticeable.

-avoid heat
-DC as aften as you can
-use protein as needed, but be careful not to over do cuz too much protein can cause breakage
-IMHO, i would avoid brushing, period. But that's just me, no use for brushes here . ..

Why oh why did you let someone apply heat without a protectant? Okay, I just HAD to ask that one . . .

But thank God your hair is still strong . . .

Oh my goodness....Why oh why did you let someone apply heat without a protectant? ...I ask myself about this all the time. I was able to get some Chi Silk Infusion on my hair but not enough. I had to force the issue by applying it myself and the hairdresser was adamant that it just helped to fry the hair and was useless.

But I want to go forward and just fix this....I appreciate your advice...I will continue doing what I am doing and eliminate brushing all together.
I never had splits until I went natural too. I have all types of splits including the ones you have described.

I started getting splits when I had about 5-6 inches of hair.

I believe my splits were caused by excessive manipulation and styling. I would have 3-4 styles in one week! I think even twists and twistouts cause splits because when you twist your hair, strands are rubbing against each other causing friction which can cause split strands.

So now I've decided to loc my hair to give myself a break from styling and so I can leave my natural hair alone.

But if you want to keep your loose natural hair, leave it alone as much as possible. Avoid excessive combing and brushing and styling. Hope that helps.

Wow so just twisting my hair can cause this!!!!!! Is twisting my hair weekly on Sundays and sometimes twisting on a Wednesday too much manipulation?
Wow so just twisting my hair can cause this!!!!!! Is twisting my hair weekly on Sundays and sometimes twisting on a Wednesday too much manipulation?

I twist my hair about once a week and I don't have splits. I think if you go over board then it could happen. I use heavy moisturizing products too.
First, anyone can get splits,naturals or relaxed. I had splits as a relaxed head. It just was not a problem for because i had not been educated about hair yet. So it really went unnoticed to me. As a natural and being on this hair board i take more time to examine my hair. Maybe that why so many of us that are natural say that we never had splits when we were relaxed and we notice them now. I dont know about you but weekly protein is to much protein for me as a natural. No matter if it is a light protein. Brushes can snag hair at any point on the hair strand. If you notice the splits in the front. It could be due to using a brush, especially if smoothing your hair back such as to make lie down or put in a puff. When the stylist used heat she should used a heat protectant. this is most important in my opinion. i personally dont do twists on my natural hair. Because it seems to loc up very quickly and when i try to take them down i seem to cause more damage than good. This hairstyle works for a lot of naturals. I dont think that this is a problem. The only way for twist to work for me is i use a little bit gel. I am getting off topic.:look: HTH.
Same thing happened to my hair when i was natural. I had all the weird splits you described. I wasn't using any heat at all. That's part of the reason i decided to relax again. I was doing everything right...moisture etc...and yet i had this split ends i'd never had even with relaxed hair. I just gave up. If I ever go natural again it will be dreads.
Same thing happened to my hair when i was natural. I had all the weird splits you described. I wasn't using any heat at all. That's part of the reason i decided to relax again. I was doing everything right...moisture etc...and yet i had this split ends i'd never had even with relaxed hair. I just gave up. If I ever go natural again it will be dreads.

Yes, even when I was relaxing my hair, I have never seen splits like this before. But I have seen ladies on this site with long natural hair that appear to be in good condition. Naturals ladies (natural for 2 years or more) are you experiencing this too---weird splits?
First, anyone can get splits,naturals or relaxed. I had splits as a relaxed head. It just was not a problem for because i had not been educated about hair yet. So it really went unnoticed to me. As a natural and being on this hair board i take more time to examine my hair. Maybe that why so many of us that are natural say that we never had splits when we were relaxed and we notice them now. I dont know about you but weekly protein is to much protein for me as a natural. No matter if it is a light protein. Brushes can snag hair at any point on the hair strand. If you notice the splits in the front. It could be due to using a brush, especially if smoothing your hair back such as to make lie down or put in a puff. When the stylist used heat she should used a heat protectant. this is most important in my opinion. i personally dont do twists on my natural hair. Because it seems to loc up very quickly and when i try to take them down i seem to cause more damage than good. This hairstyle works for a lot of naturals. I dont think that this is a problem. The only way for twist to work for me is i use a little bit gel. I am getting off topic.:look: HTH.
Not me. ;) I examined my hair when I had relaxed hair and I never had any splits on my relaxed hair. I think that was because I did not manipulate my relaxed hair as much as I did my natural hair.
I think this is just part of being natural. When I was relaxed I never had split ends. My hair started splitting when natural before I ever used any heat. I notice my splits tend to form right where my hair strand curls. I think wearing my hair in more stretched styles help. i think this is the reason I can't get past armpit. I've been natural for 11 years.
What do you think is causing this for you? Heat? Too much hair manipulation?

I honestly have no idea. It might be too much manipulation, but Im not sure really. The very ends of my hair are intact, but right in the middle of the hair shaft I have a split its SO strange.

My hair has also been extremely brittle lately and has been breaking without warning, for NO reason. I just run my fingers through it and it breaks. Im hoping to get a handle on the problem.... I don't want to be bald!
what do you use?..I use IC aloe Vera Gel to do my twists...

I use the Qhemet Honeybush Tea gel. This stuff is the bomb. It made me hair really soft and it didn't dry out at all. I like this better than anything I tried. The Fantasia IC Olive gel is ok, but it still dries my hair out and I have to add moisturizers to my hair before I use it. The QB gel can be used as a leave-in too. I did use a little of the Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm before I use the gel. During the week I just spray my hair with Dark and Lovely Citrus Braid Sheen Spray and wear a satin scarf at night. When I wear my fro puff or other styles I use the QB's Olive and Alma Heavy Cream. That stuff is so thick. You only need to use a little. It is so moisturizing.
I went back to relaxers Nov '07 because of horrible split ends. I have concluded since then, that my split end problem had to have come from physically stretching my hair when it was wet. It was wet down every morning and styled in a puff. That is the only thing I can come up with to make sense of it. My hair is almost 100% recovered. The length that has grown out was weakened so I have been trimming mostly at the bottom, keeping it neck length, until all of the weak hair is gone.

Be very careful with wet, natural hair. Relaxed/texlaxed hair is mostly already elongated to it length, but still be careful not to pull on it and slick it back with the brush, etc.