Hair sores


Well-Known Member
I have 4b (until further notice) hair, and there are times when my scalp is very tender and I get these hurtful sores on them.

At times when I comb them by accident, they bleed and then scab over (TMI, I know)

I try to look at them in the mirror, and they appear as little white spots... YUCK..

I don't know what these are, but it's really annoying.

THey usually happen after I get my hair braided (never get my hair braided too tight)
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I really don't have any answers, but could it be that you are allergic? Are you using extensions, and is it synthetic hair? Some people are allergic to it! Are you getting long heavy braids? Maybe the weight is too much! Another thought, what is your cleansing routine while in braids?
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Hi, thanks for replying.

I know when I use to get my hair canerowed with synthetic hair it was worse.

So I stopped it, when it's in singles it doesn't happen.

But recently I had two in the back of my head, and I only got the front corn rowed with my own hair, and the back was in an afro puff.
I don't know if it is the same but, I get someting similar. Never looked at them though. I just know they really hurt. I typically get them when my scalp is asking to be washed. My hair doesn't care about being washed but, my scalp is really sensative and hates to be too dirty. When I get these little sores, it means I've gone too long and my scalp is screaming. I don't know if that helps but, I just took it to mean my scalp was dirty and my follicles were getting clogged (nice visual right:lick:).
It also could be a fungal infection. I would definitely see a doctor about this. You don't want scars on your scalp.

Good luck!