Hair Snob?


New Member
I was watching What Not to Wear today, and there was a black girl who really needed to "let the weave go." It was matted and her real hair looked awful. You could really tell that it was way past time for her to get a new set of extensions if that's what she wanted to do. However, I couldn't help but thinking that she probably would look so much better with her own hair and I wondered if she was holding on to the weave because she didn't think that she would be pretty without the long hair. As a matter of fact, I remember her saying that she wasn't ready to have her shorter real hair yet. She would have looked so much better. So anyway, the stylist tries his best with the rats nest and actually gets it to look somewhat decent. As I was watching, I remembered going through a similar phase of thinking that it would be much better to wear fake hair than stick with my hair which I was convinced would never grow long. Since joining LHCF, I've not only learned to appreciate what I have, but to also know how to take care of it properly so that it would prosper. I now find myself cringing at the fact that my mother relaxes her hair within four weeks of a previous touch up and uses heat daily. My cousin also uses heat daily and her hair shows it. I realized that I may have become somewhat of a hair snob in the sense that I have quite a bit to say about what folks are doing wrong with their hair. Of course I don't say anything unless asked, but nonetheless, I've noticed a change in myself. Has anyone else noticed that they are more picky and notice the "no no's" of haircare more after finding LHCF? Please don't misunderstand. I am not judgemental of others and their hair practices; I am actually more concerned about what people do to their hair thinking that they are looking good.
I wouldn't call you a hair snob because you are too nice to be considered a snob. At least in person you are really nice. I would call you hair enlighten. You understand the benefits of taking care of your own hair.
hi imani! i doesn't sound like you're a hair snob, just hair educated!!! i've been on this site only a few weeks and i pay much more attention to hair than i ever had! i notices different lengths, textures, styles, health, etc...

don't feel bad that the "no-no's" of hair are now apparent to you. it simply means that you're learning!

i think i saw that episode. her hair was horrific but Stacy's hair is always beautiful! she's one of my inspirations!
I understand how you feel. Sometimes I feel like I'm a know-it-all. I'm afraid to give people advice when we're just having a regular hair conversation because I don't want to come off as they're wrong. However, how do you explain to your girlfriends that CW is more beneficial for your hair than washing your hair once a month. Don't worry about being a hair snob, you're not, you're just learning more and more.
blueabyss333 said:
I understand how you feel. Sometimes I feel like I'm a know-it-all. I'm afraid to give people advice when we're just having a regular hair conversation because I don't want to come off as they're wrong. However, how do you explain to your girlfriends that CW is more beneficial for your hair than washing your hair once a month. Don't worry about being a hair snob, you're not, you're just learning more and more.
Thanks ladies. I was getting a little nervous, although, as I said, I never give unsolicited advice. Washing hair once a month! Oh, my! Now, I don't CW either and have no desire b/c it's too much work, but once a month is ridiculous. My hair would fall out of my head if I did that.
imani97 said:
Thanks ladies. I was getting a little nervous, although, as I said, I never give unsolicited advice. Washing hair once a month! Oh, my! Now, I don't CW either and have no desire b/c it's too much work, but once a month is ridiculous. My hair would fall out of my head if I did that.

Try telling that to the once a month washer lol.
I just finished watching that episode! My sis and I were like :eek: . That girl should have been embarassed and if she wasn't I was embarassed for her. Why go on national TV with your weave all knotted! It is so sad that a black woman feels so attached to her weave that she would rather wear that tangled "rat's nest" on TV than just take it out for the makeover.:(
Imani - I don't think you're being a hair snob. You are just more aware of hair now. It's not much different than when I was pregnant and everytime I turned around I saw another pregnant woman. (Funny, I don't see that that often anymore.) :lol: Or when you go on a diet and you get a different perspective on food. Or when someone you know gets a new car and then you start seeing that car everywhere. You know what I mean... :grin:

Now when you start thinking your rose don't smell like foo-foo, and looking down your nose at women with less healthier hair than yours, then... :lachen:

JewelleNY - Love that artwork in your siggy. Beautiful!
I didn't see the episode but I agree...some women feel like they have to hold on to their weave even when it looks terrible because they think that their real hair is nice or can thrive. I actually think some women would look neater and more classy without a weave.
Hell Ill admit to being a hair snob. If it looks crappy and you continue to do the same stuff without trying to educate yourself then yes Ill look down on you! How har is it to TRY to find something that works? My friend swear her hair wont grow beyond collar bone but does she stop relaxing every 4 weeks or stop using her curling iron EVERYDAY!! No, so when she says "your hair grows so fast," now I just smile and say "I know..."

I used to offer advice but some people must actually like thier hair damaged. They refuse to think that blue magic and thier beloved 4 week touch ups have nothing to do with thier hair falling off everytime they look at it.
SweetCaramel1 said:
Stacy's hair is always beautiful! she's one of my inspirations!
I like Stacy's hair too, but I think it is a weave and I KNOW that Carmindy's hair has to be fake. lol
beyondcute said:
Hell Ill admit to being a hair snob. If it looks crappy and you continue to do the same stuff without trying to educate yourself then yes Ill look down on you! How har is it to TRY to find something that works? My friend swear her hair wont grow beyond collar bone but does she stop relaxing every 4 weeks or stop using her curling iron EVERYDAY!! No, so when she says "your hair grows so fast," now I just smile and say "I know..."

I used to offer advice but some people must actually like thier hair damaged. They refuse to think that blue magic and thier beloved 4 week touch ups have nothing to do with thier hair falling off everytime they look at it.

LOL Beyondcute!:lachen: Cruel but so true.
I don't think you're a hair snob at all. I've said the same thing during an episode of "House Hunters". Girlfriend's hair was ragg-a-dee! I was getting my hair braided at the time and made the comment that she needed to get her hair trimmed and my braider agreed. She said that it was embarrassing her for that chile to be on tv looking like that.
beyondcute said:
I used to offer advice but some people must actually like thier hair damaged. They refuse to think that blue magic and thier beloved 4 week touch ups have nothing to do with thier hair falling off everytime they look at it.

I'm sorry but that line had me :lachen: for some reason:lol: You know you are so wrong!!!:lol:

Imani, you aren't a hair snob at all in my book. I am kinda like that too but a little weirder. I secretly diagnose hair problems and recommend products for people I see just walking through my day. I trim off damage with my eyes all the time. People just don't know it. Sometimes I even mentally bun loose ponytails that are rubbing on the backs of rough wooly sweaters. I need help, I know it.:look:
Sistaslick said:
I'm sorry but that line had me :lachen: for some reason:lol: You know you are so wrong!!!:lol:

Imani, you aren't a hair snob at all in my book. I am kinda like that too but a little weirder. I secretly diagnose hair problems and recommend products for people I see just walking through my day. I trim off damage with my eyes all the time. People just don't know it. Sometimes I even mentally bun loose ponytails that are rubbing on the backs of rough wooly sweaters. I need help, I know it.:look:

LOL! I do that, but not to that extent. I usually just pray for some moisture or some protein to fall up in someone's hair.
Sistaslick said:
I'm sorry but that line had me :lachen: for some reason:lol: You know you are so wrong!!!:lol:

Imani, you aren't a hair snob at all in my book. I am kinda like that too but a little weirder. I secretly diagnose hair problems and recommend products for people I see just walking through my day. I trim off damage with my eyes all the time. People just don't know it. Sometimes I even mentally bun loose ponytails that are rubbing on the backs of rough wooly sweaters. I need help, I know it.:look:

I CRINGE when I see loose ponytails, especially on a windy day. I just make up excuses for them like- maybe this is their slack day to show off their length or maybe they were in a rush and didn't have time to bun it.
I saw the eppy. Her name was Naima I think. I was more impressed that he got that weave looking as good as it did afterwards :lol: