Hair, Skin, Nails or Biotin


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

December will be my 1.5 year anniversary ,my hair is still not where it needs to be considering what you beauties on here have. So I was thinking do I do the hair skin and nails vitamins or Biotin are can I do both?
Please help
wish i can help but i can't

i tried hair, skin, nails and it did nothing for me.

biotin im too scared to use b/c of all the horror stories of ppl breaking out horribly so...
I've been taking the GNC Hair, Sking & Nails formula consistently for a few weeks. And I don't want to set anyone up for disappointment, but I got a solid 1 inch for the month of October. I'm thinking I might have mis-measured last time, so I can't say for certain if it made my hair grow that much faster than normal. When I measure again in December, I'll know for certain.

I tried biotin, but at the same time I was taking msm, and I got terrible zits so I stopped (I have't pinpointed which one made me break out though) :( I don't remember if I got any significant growth from that.
I do biotin and msm. I don't think either reacts with Hair Skin. Although, I really think Biotin and MSM helped my hair reach its peak growth potential