Hair Show Talk


Well-Known Member
OMG, yall like a week ago, I went to three auditons for hair shows, I live in South Carolina, the auditions were in North Carolina, I went with other local models and our local agent. We didn't have any information on what to exspect when we got down there. They wanted to do all these wild cuts, colors like green ,blues,reds, etc Permantly . I had just had a touch up relaxer done too, so they ask if any of the models had a relaxer or whatever. But the thing is I went to this third auditon down there the same day, they wanted to cut my hair,and put red highlights yall, I thought about doing it, because the people were so sweet and excited about working with me, they said they wanted me to come back the following day to go through the hair prep process for the show day, I decided not to do it, I work so hard to keep my hair healthy and long im not gone to cut it all off.

One of the companys that was down there for the hair show was Paul Mitchell, and the Chi company, I forgot the other company name. But all three auditions was in one day.I had fun, but they should have told us what we had to be prepared for before we came all the way down there, gas aint free these days,lol.

But anyway, yall share yall experiences with Hair shows, I have done Hair Shows before, but this the first experience I had like this.
