Hair shedding


New Member
Hello ladies, I was wondering if anyone has experience excessive shedding, I have been sheeding b/w 20 to 50 hairs a day, I have never experienced this before. If infact my hair is in the shedding stage, how long did you experience this?
I actually heard from my dermatologist that 50-100 hairs a day is considerd normal for most. If you are experiencing more than you usually do, you're probably in the shedding stage. But I think you're fine.
Hello, I know how terrible and frustrating that can be. I have the same problem although I don't know if this is shedding or breaking or a combination of the two. For about three weeks I've noticed hair all over, most of it is just an inch long or so as if it is breaking off from the bottom, athough some is the whole hair with the root attached. Anyway I got it to slow down significantly a few days ago by using Sensitive by Nature Foundation Strengthener which is a protein treatment you leave on for five minutes after washing your hair. There are two ways to use it: (1) if your hair is damaged you use the foundation strengthener than follow with their extensive moisturizer deep conditioner; (2)if you are "reconstructing fine and limp hair" you just use the foundation strengthener and skip the extensive moisturizer. I follow the second one and used it on Sunday and then on Tuesday. After the first treatment on Sunday, I saw about 1/2 as many hairs; after the second it was just a few hairs.

Before I did the protein treatment I thought my hair was starting to break/shed because it was dry and so I conditioned liked crazy. This made it worse -- I think I overconditioned/oversoftened my hair. And I was using the "best" (read pricey) conditioning stuff I could get my hands on (lazartigue, terax, motions, phyto, rene furterer, essential oils, crede's, deeses).

I have also read a lot about the Aphogee protein treatment and the Motions CPR on this board and may try one of those this weekend. From what I've read, it seems they may be stronger than the Sensitive by Nature.