Hair Shedding


New Member
I just got a touch-up last Thursday, and my hair has been shedding alot when I comb it since then. Any thoughts on why this is happening and what I can do to minimize the shedding? /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I went to my doctor complaining about hair shedding. She basically said it is not a problem unless bald spots are created. She did perform a thyroid test which came back normal. To alleviate some of the shedding, I take a hair, nail and skin vitamin.
I no longer relax, but I've read where shampooing with nuetralizing shampoo helps with the shedding after a recent relaxer. It's worth a try. Also doing a 'light' ACV rinse(apple cider vinegar mixed with distilled water) will help also. Just don't use too much ACV. I use 1/8-1/4 cup to a gallon of water. Follow this with a deep conditioner. Then a final rinse of just plain water.
Thanks for the responses sweetcocoa ans Bett1e! I'll try the ACV rinses and i do need to start taking my vitamins again.

I could be a case also of that time of year where your hair is going through that shedding phase. I don't know it it's apparent to winter, but I notice it a lot more during the colder months for me and my hair routine has not changed. How about a protein conditioner every 4 weeks.

Also only use the comb when necessary, use a widetooth comb, and be gentle on your hair when combing. I personally only use a comd whilst my hair is damp/wet never on dry hair, but I assume the style you wear your relaxed hair is different from mine and may need to be combed more often.
Hi Guessgirl,

Anytime I'm experiencing more shedding than I want to, I do a protein treatment. I like to use the Nexxus Keraphix. You may need to do one now because sometimes after a relaxer, your hair may be a bit more dry. As long as you're not experiencing breakage, (a lot of short, broken pieces), you should be o.k. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
mrslee said:
What do you do for hair breakage(those short pieces)?

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Use a protein treatment, Nexxus Keraphix, Nexxus Emergencee etc.
Well I have already tried Keraphix a few weeks ago. I am to going to try Emergencee tomorrow or Friday and see what happens. Thanks
Thanks, I purchased mine at Target. It cost me $19.99. I didnt like the price, but I wanted to give it a try. I didnt see anything that made me go WOW! I also havent tried it again. After I start using Emergencee, I will alternate between the two and see what happens. I am getting frustrated with these broken pieces. I dont want to lose my length /images/graemlins/confused.gif
I agree with LondonDiva, it could be the season. My hair usually sheds a lot during this time of year.
I have shedding and breakage. Right now I am trying both emergencee and keraphix. I alternate between the two for every wash I have also started washing my hair every 4 to 5 days. My hair has always been dry and I think this is what is causing it to break and shed. Is there anyone else who has always had dry hair? What do you use to moisturize it?
Shawnee I have always had dry hair and found that doing my pre poo treatment then deep conditioning and rollersetting with a cream leave-in mixed with a little serum has helped a lot. More recently I have been lightly misting my hair in the evenings before I pin curl or wrap it with a leave-in (H-Two by Elasta) and then putting a little castor oil on the hair paying special attention to the ends has worked wonders on my hair.
Shawnee, I make sure that I do deep conditioners, especially after emergencee. So far, Bone marrow gives me the most moisture after Emergencee. I also use humectress with a drop of Potion No 9 as my leave in.
Thanks Webby and Kaddy. I am definitely on the right track. I have never been able to control my dry hair. It sheds and breaks all year round but since I found the LHCF and all the wonderful advice that is given here my hair has improved a lot.
I always had dry hair until lately. My hair is getting softer and softer by the day (prayer is working /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif ) I also cut out the ALS and SLS shampoos and only do CO washes now the more I do the better my hair feels. I'm doing the baggie method but on the exposed hair I spray unbraid spray and apply some type of grease or WGO/castor oil to it and it's really soft
My dry hair seems to like shampoo. I tried just doing the cw every other day and that didn't work. My new growth is what's dry, my ends are very moisturized. I have started to spray my roots with a mixture of humectress, tea tree EO, Scurl and distilled water. It seems like castor oil is very moisturizing so I'm going to add some to my mixture.