Hair Salons, what do you pay for? just Style?


New Member
I am not talking about specials such as relaxers, color or cut.
I ve been going to a hair salon. The AA lady who does my hair is very good. First her hair is always on point. Health and style wise. However all she does to my hair is shampoo with nexxus (I have the whole line so it is not a Treat for my hair), a conditioner for about 3 minutes, blow dry and flat iron. The result is pretty nice and will last 3 days and that is it. I told her that I wanted healthy long hair and would come every week but her prices wouldn't let me. She suggested I come every two weeks to do the same routine. How do they get healthy hair without deep conditioning, protein treatment or at least some steaming conditioner? I do not want to go to her and then spend the same amoount of money doing the treatment thing at home.
If I weren't going for a relaxer, then I was paying for style. I like(d) to look polished yet simple.
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How much time do you spend at the salon, would you spend as much time doing it yourself and get the same results. You are paying for the beaticians
time and you not having to go through all the steps to do your hair and not worry that your hair is in good hands.
I would do my hair myself. I'm probably a little biased b/c I don't particularly care for stylists b/c so many of them are foul and ignorant, but I've seen the results of good at-home care. With a good hood dryer & the right products (i.e. the entire Nexxus line that you have), you could do what she does yourself and save money. I would invest in a flat iron and magnetic rollers in order to alternate flat ironing and rollersettting.

She may be able to get your hair to optimal health by going bi-weekly, but 1) you could probably do that yourself and 2) depending on your hair and your home regimen, your hair may not be able to withstand direct heat every other week AND be as healthy as possible.

Besides that, IMO, a 3 day hairstyle is not worth the cost of going to the salon and the time you spend there AND the ignorance/poor customer service that you put up with.

Just my thoughts...

I pay for the whole kit and kaboodle: style, deep conditioner, roller-wrap and trim. A regular shampoo (along with everything listed above) will cost me around 45 dollars.
You are paying the "time" spent on caring and pampering your hair. If you weigh out the time it takes you to do it yourself how much would you charge? Naturally you'll expect to pay more for deep conditioning and special professional use products, but at the end of the day.. time is what you pay for. How much would you pay for a manicure? body massage? Same difference. I can paint my toes, and do designs but I'd rather pay the pedicurist to spruce them up a bit...($15-25)
brownhaired_bonanza said:
I pay for the whole kit and kaboodle: style, deep conditioner, roller-wrap and trim. A regular shampoo (along with everything listed above) will cost me around 45 dollars.

same here (pretransition) My GREAT stylist always includes a deep conditioner, I think all good ones should atleast. Now she charges $50 for my half and half hair, that includes wash, deep condition, press, and trim.