Hair Salon Drama!


Got up this morning giddy that I had did a 12 week stretch with minimal effort and shedding!!! Thanks Irresistible for your tips on Tea Rinses!

Went to the salon to see my stylist with my jar of Linage Shea Butter Hair Relaxer - I've been using it for a year now and got hair to show it:)! Had to wait a bit - which gained me a front row seat to another stylist going off on her client.

The stylist was an hour late for her appointment and did not want to hear it from her client about being late. I was sitting in the front where they were arguing and after about 5 minutes I politely walked to the back - I didn't need all that bad energy over my new growth! :nono:

The stylist basically told her to step if she had a problem with it and that she waits on her (when the client is late). The client couldn't believe she was an hour late - the client had two small daughters with her and I could tell her day was basically shot. . .

Luckily - I got into my stylist's chair and had no problems. My stylist was not delighted about working with 12 weeks of new growth - but she did comment on how nicely my hair was growing out and that my relaxer never has a 'chemically' smell to it:yep:!

I must be crazy or blessed myself - even in the midst of that mess - I was determined to walk out with shiny beautiful hair - and I did!
I'm glad you had such a positive experience. Knowing how paranoid I get about my hair I probably would have walked out when that drama happened :grin:. But I'm glad you had such a good experience. I've never heard of that relaxer you use? I is it lye or no-lye?
Thanks Muffin - love your hair!

Normally I would bounce - but decided because it was not my drama - it shouldn't have an affect on my outcome. Thank goodness ignorance is not contagious :lachen:!

Linange Shea Butter Relaxer is a line out of Italy that is used by some Dominican Salons. Discovered it on LCHF a year ago - if you do a search - there are numerous posts about it - I swear by it!

It is a lye relaxer.
I just came from the Salon, wanted to treat myself to a wash and set. Everytime I go back it cements my reasons for becoming a DIY person. Im tired of throwing away money to people who do more damage to my hair than I do with no beauty school certification, the unprofessionalism, and the annoyance.

Not saying all salons by the way. But Im going to hone my hair doing skills so I dont have to set foot in a salon again.

LHCF is the first place I'm hearing about this kinda thing. I can't believe people go to salons where the stylist comes late to their appointment!:blush: or stylists that get rude with them...... thats just so unprofessional, I'd never go back to a place like that.

Congrats on your successful stretch and getting a great result:yep:
Wow! A whole hour late? I hope after all of that she walked out cause I would not want her to touch my hair.
I wouldn't hang around and wait for a stylist for an hour. No way, no how. I would've been gone after 10 mins. And if I had waited and she decided to get attitude with me? I would've been out the door. OP, do you know if that woman had her hair done by the stylist?
Thanks Ladies:)!
The woman and her two daughters where in the process of getting their hair done when I left. Since I only go every 8 or so weeks - it does not bother me. I know what to expect. My stylist listens to me, charges a fair price and does not overlap my relaxer. In my city that is pretty hard to find.
I do not have pics of my hair - sorry:-(!
Thanks Muffin - love your hair!

Normally I would bounce - but decided because it was not my drama - it shouldn't have an affect on my outcome. Thank goodness ignorance is not contagious :lachen:!

Linange Shea Butter Relaxer is a line out of Italy that is used by some Dominican Salons. Discovered it on LCHF a year ago - if you do a search - there are numerous posts about it - I swear by it!

It is a lye relaxer.

Bolded: They make a no lye version too. I'm using this relaxer (lye version) for my next touch-up and I'm glad I can add another person to the growing list of people who've had good experiences with it.

It's just basic respect that a person (especially a professional) doesn't waste someone else's time. And then to have an attitude about it on top of that? That is not acceptable. I'm glad you're seeing someone who doesn't do that BS.
Thanks Goodmorningruby:

Forgot about the no lye version. I simply love this relaxer - giggled about my stylist letting another stylist smell that it did not have a 'chemically' kind of smell to it:grin:.

Was equally tickled when we had the discussion about me being 12 weeks post - I usually come in every 8 weeks. She noted how hard it was to get through my hair this time and she was afraid of ripping or breaking some of my hair off. She didn't want me to loose length while trying not to overlap. She also said that if at 8 weeks I'm still straight - then we'll try it at 9 or 10 but 12 may be my breaking point.

I'm glad she told me - and I'm double glad she knew what I was trying to achieve - we have never had the discussions of why I do what I do (very little heat, buns and my own relaxer) - she just knew. :drunk:
Thanks Muffin - love your hair!

Normally I would bounce - but decided because it was not my drama - it shouldn't have an affect on my outcome. Thank goodness ignorance is not contagious :lachen:!

Linange Shea Butter Relaxer is a line out of Italy that is used by some Dominican Salons. Discovered it on LCHF a year ago - if you do a search - there are numerous posts about it - I swear by it!

It is a lye relaxer.

Thanks! Somehow I must have missed out on this relaxer. I've heard a lot of good things about Lye relaxers. I use no-lye. They get a bad rap, but I find that as long as you make sure to clarify/chelate every so often it's all good. I make sure to do acv rinses after every wash. But I did do research on this relaxer after I read about it in this thread, and it sounds really good, especially the no burning part. Usually lye relaxers burn up my scalp.