Hair Rush



Hello everyone! I am new here! MotownGrl directed me here and she said you all are a bunch of classy and respectable ladies and I can see that!

I just chopped my hair and I would really like it to grow longer for the summer. I am currently researching vitamins and I’ve gotten a lot of good tips from motowngrl of how to take care of it (scalp massages, taking care of the ends etc).

I have a question though. Has anyone used a product called “Hair Rush”? It can be found here:

Thank you for reading!

Can't give you any info on the hair rush but I thought I'd welcome you to the board. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I tried to do it via PM, but it says you aren't accepting provate messages. Enjoy your time here Kalia

I have to figure out how to use this message board. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

If you click on MY HOME at the top of the page, you can change all your setting in that section. Page down toward the bottom where it says Main Configuration.
Welcome Kalia. Nice to have you onboard! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Girl, being the PJ that I am, I have two brand new bottles of this stuff. I purchased them over a year ago. Needless to say, I've never used it. The reason: when I rec'd my bottles i read the ingredients list and I noticed there was a high content of alcohol in it. Since then, I've been a little apprehensive to try it. One day I may mix some into a shea butter/oil mixture though! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hi Kalia,
Welcome to the board... /images/graemlins/drunk.gif You will love it here!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I heard about the product "Hair Rush" about 3 months ago. I was told that it is very potent & could burn your scalp if you have any scatches or anything in your scalp. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I have been too afraid to try it!! I did hear that the person that was using it got good results. If you do try this, let me know your thoughts about it.
Thank you LondonDiva!

Titansgirl, I actually placed an order last week. It does seem strong doesn't it? I plan on diluting it. I'm going to try a 50% water mixture and and 75% water mixture. I already use a water/rosemary oil mixture for scalp massages, but I am so sick of the smell!

Armyqt, it does has a high alcohol content, but I hope since I'm going to dilute it with water and only use on my scalp not my hair, it would be okay. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Hi Kalia,

I can't say enough about this product. You have to be VERY careful with this product. It's a good product to stimulate hair growth but you will do well by putting a little in a pomade which is what I do with mine. Please do not use on your scalp if you have scratched your head and be real careful not to get it in your eyes. It will burn. You also may want to do a test with this product because several people have had really bad reactions to it.
Not to deter you from the hair rush but if the only reason you don't like the rosemary and water is the smell, there is something you can do.

Adding lavendar usually helps mellow out the smell of rosemary. There are plenty of other essential oils with the same properties.
I can't really tell you if that stuff worked for me or not. I do recall it being a pain to use and it smelled funny. I would think that you would have to use it on a regular basis to really be able to tell a different. I do recall being afraid since there was so much alcohol in it. Needless to say, I purchased it at a health food store for about $13 and never bought it again. If anyone uses it on a regular basis, please post. Other than that, I think I'll stick to rosemary oil and peppermint oil. Although, I am considering sage now.
Thank you for that lavendar tip Notsomebody.

I recieved my package this morning. It's really, really stinky! But in my experience, the stinky stuff works. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I will keep everyone updated. I am determined to be able to put my hair into a curly puff for the summer!