Hair Rinses



I was wondering if anyone ever uses hair rinses to experiment with different colors. If so, what brands do you use? :)
I mostly use Jazzing & Beautiful Browns. I have tried Adore & Posner as well. In my opinion these don't last long enough b/c I wash weekly so, I am looking for something else.
Are rinses safe for relaxed hair? I keep looking at the boxes bcause I want to try them, but I am not trying to lose any hair! Help!
Royal Glory said:
Are rinses safe for relaxed hair? I keep looking at the boxes bcause I want to try them, but I am not trying to lose any hair! Help!

Yes, rinses are safe for relaxed hair. Rinses are NOT in the boxes, they are the colors in the bottles. In the boxes are semi-permanents that contain chemicals to actually change the bonds in the hair and have to be grown out. Rinses simply deposit a color on the strands and wash out.

OP: I mainly use Beautiful Browns, AVI, and Adore. I've used Jazzings like once.