hair rinse on touch up day


New Member
Im going to do my touch up at 11 weeks next week and I want to put a black rinse in. The bottle says to use it on dry hair, so how would I do this if I obviously have to wet my hair to wash the perm out
i do my rinse after i relax at the hair salon. ive never done a rinse on dry hair... and i've done a lot. i don't think a semi-permanent is the same as rinse.
kiss semi permanent

Dry hair absorbs more color than wet hair does, which gives more lasting results. I've used this brand for years, on dry hair or wet hair. So after rinsing out the relaxer cream, I just blot my hair with a microfiber towel, to remove as much water as I can, then I apply the color. It lasts about 6 to 7 weeks; I wash once per week.
I used to always get my rinse on relaxer day. They both came out beautifully. If you are getting it done professionally, you may want to ask your stylist if there is a brand of rinse that he/she usually uses on wet hair.
I know some people swear that their color takes better when they relax/color on the same day because your cuticles are open and absorb the color better. Ive never tried it. I normally do a rinse (bigen) a few weeks later because i dont want the chemicals to get into my scalp (open pores).