Hair Revolution


New Member
Hello everyone:

First of I’m a newbie here, and would like to apologize for the length of this post, but wanted to share the most amazing day I had yesterday.

I went into my office to catch up on some work, and I was quietly working away in my office with no one around. My door was shut and the entire floor was empty. From the corner of my eye, I saw a small bug, as big as the head of a pin. I freaked out and started scratching (because bugs make me scratch). I was scratching all over, I took off my wig and scratched my scalp, arms, legs everywhere.

When I finally stopped scratching I looked down and saw my wig on my desk. It just hit me that was the first time in months that I was outside of my house without my lace wig on! I ran my fingers through my hair, and felt so free. My scalp was able to breathe. I never realized it before, but my lace wig was like a mask I put on everyday, hiding my hair. It was like taking my makeup off and letting my pores breathe.

I had been wearing a lace wig for almost 5 months now, because 2 years ago I became vegetarian. My hair became stringy and started falling out. I was able to stabilize it and thought okay I’m good now. So I decided to take vegetarianism one step further and become a vegan. Well, my hair DID NOT like that. I think it went into shock! It went from falling out to bald patches, so I went to my doctor. He told me I had a zinc deficiency, so I bought zinc, but it didn’t work. I then bought a super vitamin, protein shakes/bars, amino acid tablets, but nothing worked!

In December 2015 I quit being a vegan and went on a strict salmon, beef diet but it wasn’t working. My hair was still falling out in clumps, so desperate and in tears I called mom!

Attached are two recent pictures, the first taken January 24, 2016 and the second today February 21, 2016.

Although the after picture doesn’t look like much, I have finally been able to stabilize my hair and I can see some new growth from January. It’s still stringy and in rough shape but I’m just happy it’s growing.

I just wanted to share my story that sometimes we listen to society, which tells us black hair isn’t beautiful, or we’re not beautiful but yet they copy our full lips, curvy booties and big boobs etc. I just had a very liberating moment yesterday of accepting my hair and myself and wanted to share.

I’m now in this zen like place of letting my hair be, being positive, loving and nurturing towards it, but just letting it being. Kinda like a love revolution, towards my hair.

My goal is to be wig/weave free by summer 2016. Until then I’m wearing my protective styles and have my hair hooked up to mom’s secret elixir

P.S - excuse all the grey hair! I never had any two years ago so I’m not saying becoming a vegetarian gave me grey hair but…


  • January 24, 2016.jpg
    January 24, 2016.jpg
    220 KB · Views: 37
  • Feb. 21, 2016.jpg
    Feb. 21, 2016.jpg
    239.6 KB · Views: 38

I'm glad you finally found something that works for you. I personally don't think that being vegan is for everyone. I also think the more you wear your hair out the more that you'll not only like it but you'll learn about it and learn to love it... Glad you finally feel liberated :yep:
Being wig, weave, relaxer, braid extensions and most importantly mentally free of the idea that my hair isn't good enough is a liberating feeling. I think hiding your hair for growth via protective styles works great for some...but at the end of the day there comes a time when you get tired of hiding. Once I stopped "hiding" my hair for growth, my hair, and how I felt about my hair really flourished!

So happy for you OP!
Wow everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and positive energy, which I'm sending back to you :heart:

My diet right now is, everything! After not eating meat and fish for two years I’ve never realized how yummy bacon is! I know it’s not healthy but it’s so yummy :dinnertime:

I feel really liberated to have reached this point of acceptance, and although I’m still wearing protective styles, it’s less along the lines of I have to hide my hair because it’s not good enough and more along the lines, it’s damaged and I just want it to regain some strength.

I’m learning not to be so focused on the length because I find this just stresses it out. I just want to eat healthy, take care of it and whatever length it is, work with it. But I am happy it's growing!