Hair Revelations


Active Member
I have had a few "AH HAH!!" moments lately

  1. My hair hates shea butter and shea moisture leave in but it LOVES KIDS ORGANIC SHEA BUTTER DETANGLING MOISTURIZING HAIR LOTION!!! :lick::lick::lick: It leaves my hair super soft (ie. i applied it today to wash in go hair because i was in a rush and didn't put anything else on or seal and my hair is uber soft right now and coils defined.. serious hand in hair disease.) It will be in my hair in all my below revelations
  2. My hair hates blow dryer or standing dryer HEAT...leaves hard and crunchy no matter how much I condition or how much leave in I use.
  3. My hair loves air dried twists with the above leave in and blow dried with the COOL setting on my dryer (using the tension method).. It feels supper soft and gets straighter than ripping through my head with a brush or comb. I flat iron my hair after this and finally got straight swing that I want when I flat Iron. (Found my technique)
  4. Lastly...I hope I dont get burned for this (no pun intended) but my hair hates heat protectant... makes my hair feel dry and coated no matter how little I use. It may be the amount of cones...:nono: If I air dry.. I find I can use a lower heat setting..

What are you Hair Revelations??
I have had a few "AH HAH!!" moments lately

  1. My hair hates shea butter and shea moisture leave in but it LOVES KIDS ORGANIC SHEA BUTTER DETANGLING MOISTURIZING HAIR LOTION!!! :lick::lick::lick: It leaves my hair super soft (ie. i applied it today to wash in go hair because i was in a rush and didn't put anything else on or seal and my hair is uber soft right now and coils defined.. serious hand in hair disease.) It will be in my hair in all my below revelations
  2. My hair hates blow dryer or standing dryer HEAT...leaves hard and crunchy no matter how much I condition or how much leave in I use.
  3. My hair loves air dried twists with the above leave in and blow dried with the COOL setting on my dryer (using the tension method).. It feels supper soft and gets straighter than ripping through my head with a brush or comb. I flat iron my hair after this and finally got straight swing that I want when I flat Iron. (Found my technique)
  4. Lastly...I hope I dont get burned for this (no pun intended) but my hair hates heat protectant... makes my hair feel dry and coated no matter how little I use. It may be the amount of cones...:nono: If I air dry.. I find I can use a lower heat setting..
What are you Hair Revelations??

  1. My hair loves castor oil. :lick: JBCO or the regular cold pressed - it does not matter. I can be very heavy handed at night and still wake up to soft edges.
  2. Deep conditioning with heat and a good dc really boosts my hair's moisture level. This means I don't have to use as much moisturizer between washes.
  3. My hair loves cones especially Sally's Argan Oil. The result is soft, smooth and sexy smelling hair. A little goes a long way too.
  4. Pin curls are fun and a great way alternative to using a curling iron.