Hair Recovery Period?


Well-Known Member
I am curious as to how long hair will take to recover from chemical damage. Reason I ask is because I got a bad perm last sept and experienced a lot of breakage/shedding to the point my hair became very thin. (the back broke off very badly)I know for a fact it had to do with the relaxer as my routine never changed, hair was healthy, no breakage etc. Early this year I cut my hair short to chin level(previously was shoulder length). I am no longer concerned with growing my hair back to that length, but want to stop the breakage/increased shedding. I have been using the k-pak reconstructor for several years and with excellent results. However, It appears that it is not curbing the breakage. I am coming to the conclusin I may just have to be patient and wait for the problem to resolve on it's own.
I would try a protein treatment twice a week until you see a curb in the breakage. I went through the same thing but had to cut all of the damaged hair off. Do you use a no-lye relaxer? Those tend to be drying and can cause breakage (although there are women on this board who use them and have no problems).

Anyway, try the protein treatment, like affirm 5-in1-. Keep it in for 30 minutes and follow up with a moisturizing leave-in (I recommend nexxus humectress). Too heavy of a moisturizing conditioner makes my hair too soft and weak and then it breaks. But the humectress is just enough to make it moisturized and soft. Make sure you wrap it up every night and get rid of any heat. Your hair is probably super fragile right now so you have to be pretty gentle with it. HTH.
Damaged hair is damaged hair and you will eventually have to cut off the damaged part and start again or it will continue to break off. You CAN NOT fix damaged hair.
Actually my stylist never told me I had damaged hair. I just came to that conclusion on my own. She only mentioned it was breaking a little. I know that damaged hair needs to be cut off. My hair is still growing like wild so I know its not a growth problem. I normally use K-pak once a week as a deep condtioner. I will admit the breakage is a lot less than what I was having late last year. Just combing my hair caused breakage in the morning. Now I hardly see five strands come out. It's really the day I was my hair, set, combout I see breakage/shedding like mad. Yes I have wrapped my hair faitfully for years. I refuse to go to bed without my hair being protected. Kinda anal about that anyway I appreciate everyone's input
KPAK is a pretty potent reconstructor
Using it once aweek may be too much-protein can make the hair brittle. A milder protein can be dne every week or every other week. Leaving the KPAK for once a month.