Hair Progress


Active Member
Hair Progress 05-08 to 04-29-2010

Hey Ladies, I know its been a long time, almost 6 months since I posted any progress pics....I thought I would post some today, after my fresh relaxer yesterday....I just came off a 14 week stretch. Sorry I didn't post the in between when I relaxed in January but I was just busy and life took over. Also, looking at progress every 12 to 14 weeks is like watching water boil sometimes.....anyway, here is my progress. I cannot thank you ladies here @ LHCF enough for all the great tips. Also, this time I have included the top of my shorts...I think it is a more reliable indicator than my darn bra LOL!

May 2008:

August 21st 2008:

October 31st 2008:

January 24th 2009:

April 5th 2009:

October 1st 2009

April 29th 2010
Last edited:
Great progress!
The bottom of your bra is almost WL so I would venture to say that you're MBL already.
Your hair looks longer than midway from your shoulders to your hips.
Laddiiesss......thank you so much for your responses!!! I really do appreciate it. I've been working hard on length and health!

GrowinStrong......Yeah, I do wear my bras lo, b/c of the girls LOL....heavy!!! My bras are just literally all over the place in terms of where they rest on my back!

Shy Intellect....yes, I have been working SUPER hard on my ends, so I'm glad that it is noticeable. Also after my relaxer in January I trimmed off one inch. I am hoping if I can reach w/l which is my terminal goal, to keep edging off my hair every relaxer for thicker ends (cutting it back to my waist each).

Bnster....thank you so much mammaz I fixed it..
lamaria 211...I would be happy to share with you what I am doing..

I'm pretty much following some tips that I picked up on the board....and I've been pretty consistent over the past 2 years.

1. Wash hair twice weekly using baby shampoo
2. Deep condition after each wash for about 1 hour. Every two weeks I will throw a protein in there, right now I am using nexus keraphix.
3. After my wash I normally throw my hair back in a braid, using a hairband, which I braid fairly loosely.
4. I detangle slowly with two combs, one wide tooth, and one baby comb.
5. I use leave in, Herbal essence Long Term relationship split end protector. Someone on the board recommended this product to me, when I ran out of my staple, I can't thank her enough, I love it. You can find it on amazon.
6. I seal with oil, hot six oil....(in the winter, I occasoinally use shea butter, but I don't seal too much, I've found if I put too much on my ends...breakage!)
7. I am a firm believer in stretching. I attribute this to how much thicker my hair has gotten. I try to go at least 12 weeks, but sometimes longer sometimes shorter depending on what is going on in my world.
8. Each relaxer I coat my ends with vaseline to protect from relaxer runoff.
9. Microtrim every 2nd relaxer (so probably twice a year, I get about 4 per yar)
10. I air dry probably 90% of the time. The remaining times I rollerset....unless it is relaxer time or a special occcasion, (I don't even always blow out ever relaxer)...but if it is special, I will blow my hair out with a blow dryer and use curling iron on a mild setting. I probably wear my hair out about 6 or seven times a year.

That's it...

sorry this is so long...

I hope it can help you, or anyone who needs it. I've learned so much on here, and I owe all my length to you guys :) :)
Great progress!
The bottom of your bra is almost WL so I would venture to say that you're MBL already.
Your hair looks longer than midway from your shoulders to your hips.
I was thinking this too. I had to do a double take b/c I was like her hair is getting longer but it's hard to see b/c her bra gets lower and lower in every pic. Anyways great job...looks like you're already MBL!
Thanks ladies!!! Yeah, I posted this in another forum, and the ladies told me my bra was running from my hair. solve this problem I think I need a length t-shirt.
great progress! Keep up the good work. You seem to have a great system going!

looking at the progress pics was like an optical illusion though, with the lowering bra and all! :lol: