Hair Products For Synthetic Weave Wearer!!


Star Shooter
Hello Ladies,

I will be getting a full head weave and was wondering what I should do to maintain the hair? Also, what products I should use and how to wrap it at night. Should I brush it, comb it. :confused: I've always worn human hair but I want to give synthetic hair a try. :)

Ohh and by the way, it's loose wavy synthetic.

Thank you soo much ladies ------> :kiss:
Hmmm I normally use human hair but tried synthetic a couple of months ago. Just experiementing.... The basic care was the same but I noticed that the synthetic hair need much less oil than the human hair. If you have wavy I would avoid straight up combing it unless you have to. I would finger comb... I also noticed that the ends got frizzy on the synthetic hair that I had w/each wash. So I tried not to wash it as often as the human hair...
Thank you soo much. What kind of products did you use and do you recommend washing? Just curious.
I used my normal CON detanglin poo and Queen Helenes conditioner... You definitely have to wash.. I would just try to wash only when really necessary.

sugaplum said:
Thank you soo much. What kind of products did you use and do you recommend washing? Just curious.